Krissy February 7, 2020 6:38 pm

Honestly i'm just glad she wasn't supposed to be the love interest for our adult mc lmao

Krissy February 4, 2020 1:48 pm

to think that people (grown ups especially) not only read this but actually makes this. Yeah it's fiction, but that doesn't matter because this is literally about the SEXUALISATION OF A CHILD. This is literal pedophilia and it's absolutely fucking disgusting.

    Karama Gou March 3, 2021 8:46 am

    I mean a fictional child sure, but in the end it's legal and perfectly normal as humans to enjoy also why are you on a shota manga if you hate it? That's like me going out of my way to be on a murderer website just to tell them they're trash like just don't interact until it's interfering with your life which a manga isn't but go off I guess

    Krissy March 3, 2021 9:39 am
    I mean a fictional child sure, but in the end it's legal and perfectly normal as humans to enjoy also why are you on a shota manga if you hate it? That's like me going out of my way to be on a murderer website ... Karama Gou

    I’m not sure about the legality part of it (even if it was, a person with enough common sense would know making or reading this stuff is at the very least morally corrupt.) but the part of it being normal for people to enjoy is uh, definitely a red flag.

    I’m allowed to criticize whatever I see fit in terms of media, so I don’t see what the problem is. I’m just pointing out how gross it is that adult people made this, a manga that sexualises children. It normalizes things that shouldn’t be normalized, I think I have a right to point that out. You getting upset over me pointing out how sexualising children in any form is wrong, is questionable.

    I’m sorry to say but going on a murderer website just to tell the murderer they’re trash, is not the same. Murder obviously is framed as a bad thing in most media, the sexualising of children/teenagers...not as much.
    Most people know that murder is frowned upon, while a lot of people don’t even know why it’s bad to be attracted to teenagers when they’re adults. Basically it’s the issue of, what is normalized and what isn’t.

    Lastly, all types of media affect real life. Manga and anime included. Even if you don’t think it’s affecting you in some type of way, it doesn’t mean it isn’t. It took me years to understand just how normalized the sexualising of teenagers was for me. I mean hell, I watched pretty little liars when I was growing up, that shit made me think student/teacher relationships was okay.

    Karama Gou March 5, 2021 7:53 am
    I’m not sure about the legality part of it (even if it was, a person with enough common sense would know making or reading this stuff is at the very least morally corrupt.) but the part of it being normal for... Krissy

    Your only CRITISIM is that it's wrong? I think we all know that but we should still be aloud to enjoy it because dark-fiction is made to be enjoyed. How boring is it to always just be like" this is bad I'm mad " in the end just let people jack off to an animated character then real life children not all people who are into this are pedo's I just used that as an example but it's just a work of fiction to enjoy in the end. Also I've always known that an adult and teenager is wrong irl you just have to have the right mentality and know what's wrong and what's right your not gonna become a pedo because of a shota manga you have to already be deranged or they need to be taught to cope with this, fictional works. That's all

Krissy February 4, 2020 10:46 am

oh ? what's this ? are we mayhaps perhaps getting a second couple ?

Krissy February 3, 2020 3:35 pm

pressures him for sex, blames him for being sexually assaulted, chooses to do work he shouldn't but then turns it around like he was forced to do it....i won't say the other dude is much of a morally good character either but jesus.
The way he manipulates him really just makes me feel some kinda way

Krissy January 31, 2020 2:41 pm

niel my boy...though i understand your frustration...ur making me just as frustrated :)))

Krissy January 27, 2020 11:26 am

god i love this weird ass good ass manga

Krissy January 25, 2020 12:16 pm

me literally chanting: she's gay she's gay she's gay

and fuck yeah i was right

Krissy January 24, 2020 5:04 pm

In regards to the i the only one that's a bit weirded out by Honoka and Aoi ending up together?

She was twenty when he was fourteen, and has been watching him grow up right in front of her eyes, while she's been an adult. sorta predatory but aight

Idk, maybe i'm just thrown off because i'm gonna be twenty myself soon lol

On that note, i wonder if Aoi still likes to dress like a girl ten years after? If it's gonna be that sort of thing where "it was just a phase" then imma be very disappointed ngl

    nightmarezreal February 3, 2020 2:20 pm

    Right? That confused me ALOT especially when you think about how much times past... like where did they even make that sort of connection? There was no hint to it at all before... then again he was a minor so-? Idk

    Humayra June 28, 2020 1:15 pm

    Bruhhh ik even if he now doesnt look younger than her, he still was a middle schooler and i think she was a high schooler or idek even more sooo

Krissy January 6, 2020 5:58 pm

bro stop being an asshole just because you're in love with him. If he wants to stop the already very toxic and inappropriate relationship you have, then you have no right to stop him. In this chapter it almost makes me think he thinks he has ownership of Haesoo.

Like idc if u love him, u don't force a kiss on someone who clearly doesn't want to

    Theo January 6, 2020 9:12 pm

    THIS! Please say that Louder for the people in the back (aka Joowon's stans)

    stylesti January 6, 2020 10:27 pm

    What about when Haesoo was ill and didn't want sex and Taku forced himself on him??

    KITTY January 6, 2020 11:05 pm
    What about when Haesoo was ill and didn't want sex and Taku forced himself on him?? stylesti

    Taku didnt force himself.
    Re read the chapter hunny.

    stylesti January 7, 2020 7:11 am

    Yeah believe what you want

    KITTY January 9, 2020 5:14 pm
    Yeah believe what you want stylesti

    What do you mean believe what I want.
    Literally re read the chapter. If you compare the scenes where J actually forces himself and K "forcing himself" onto H, They are both really different but what did I expect from a J stan?

Krissy December 29, 2019 9:46 pm

Honestly, this manga throws me off a bit.

On one hand, i absolutely love seeing him accepting himself and him knowing that he's not weird for having feelings towards someone of the same sex. Because that is something that is rarely done in this genre, and fuck makes my queer little heart want to cry because i've had to try and accept myself and my sexuality.

But then...there's the mom, and the never ending sexualisation of Shii as a child.

Not to mention, the one dude that molested Tamaki when he was a kid?? The mom didn't care, she literally just continued to exploit her child. She even admits that when she puts out content with her kid, she gets more customers. She literally abused him and no one seems to care. wtf man


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