scandalmomo created a topic of Private Scandal

I have some questions and concerns..
First of all what's with the Sonja is a boy part in the end??? Was he/she also a victim of the father's mania? Like how Iliyan was forced to be a girl when he was a kid?

I actually liked Helen's character until the end. I mean I can understand why she didn't like Iliyan. She saw a kid who took her husband's attention, their house, money etc., and then her ex-boyfriend. But she actually never hurt Iliyan's career (turns out it was James), she was just being sarcastic and envy at him and his happiness with Kyle. And yeah she liked her own career more than she liked Kyle, there are people like her, who would give up love. But in the end???? Why did the author have make her a bad character? She really wanted to separate Iliyan and Kyle and get Kyle back, even in the end?? After seeing what they went through and how much they love each other??Like wtf, stay in your lane grandma, there was no need for that. And she even ruined Iliyan's career so that he had no other choice but to stay in Alaska. But I like how Iliyan did trust Kyle more T_T

And that side story with Gale and Robin??? It was soooo toxic, it's so obvious that Gale does not like Robin, only treats him as a sex toy, and now that they are in the same city again he will use Robin again. They tried to make it sound like Gale wanted to protect Robin from his dangerous lifestyle, but it's so hard to beleive, it felt so forced. He is literally a 2nd James Taylor, a stalker who happens to be stronger and crazier than James. He just didn't want Robin to have a happy life without him, but there was nothing romantic in it.

It would have been better if Gale and Helen end up together or whatever.

But all in all I loved it, one of my favorite story. Kyle is such a green flag character, and I loved Iliyan, he is so funny crazy. I liked how they payed attention to his alcoholism and how important it was to work on it. And I could actually understand Kyle's saddness, he thought he payed attention to Iliyan but he missed all the details on how severe Iliyan's alcoholism was. And even when they first met he found it funny that Iliyan was wasted even before the party started and gave him more to drink and had sex with him :( but at least he learned from his mistakes.

scandalmomo created a topic of Jinx

Lmao I read on another site comments that in ch44 JK will turn into a green flag... I can't with these delulu fans man is just drunk lol raise your standards if you think this will turn anyone into a green flag

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

Jaeshin is so desperate to get that confession, but we know that it's not because of his curse (▰˘◡˘▰)
He just wants Nok to confess his love

scandalmomo followed a list

Welcome n enjoy ur stay |ω・)و ༉ 

Only BLs btw! 

Eggplant lovers come forward!! (≧ω≦)

= triggers
= more info


Without further ado, let's go get em huge anacondas!

26 12,2023
scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

I know everyone is obsessed with the love haha but talking about the story, I'm not sure if Kyungjoon's idea would be good (I know what will happen, but still I think about his plan) . He knows that 3 wives have died already and still would push his sister to marry Lee Nok. Dude your family might be quite influental, but you saw already that the Queen is working with ghosts and curses, yet you choose to throw your sister into it? Nah
Help Lee Nok as his royal bestie, not as the brother of his wife... That sound like an either suspicious or very stupid idea.

scandalmomo created a topic of Jinx

I like that ex fckbuddy guy lol tell him dude

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

FYI in ch 25-26 they talk about his past wives

scandalmomo created a topic of Sketch

For people wondering, the actual story will start next chapter lol

I actually find it cute and funny how naive Lyle is, he is so cute and doesn't want to annoy Ash T_T
After they got together, their communication and relationship improved so much, so I know they will get over it fast, that is why it is funny to see Lyle trying so hard with his first love and relationship.
I just want to see their everyday life, they deserve happiness

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

This chapter was amazing, with all the small details as well. I can't believe that now we have to wait months T_T

Jaeshin running, even as a puppy and arriving with his small bloody puppy legs T_T
They will have some interesting conversation now that Nok knows that Jaeshin was the puppy lol
It's interesting how Jaeshin changed Nok's fate so many times, but he actually didn't do it on purpose (except for saving his life,but it was his brothers who told him when Nok will die, so he didn't search for it on purpose) , so I wonder if he will receive any punishment for it. I hope not, because this is what his father wanted, to be able to like humans and feel empathy for them. And his biggest action that proves it is that he would do anything for a human, even making someone's life longer by saving them. And he would have even sacrificed his life, because he was willing to die as a puppy, for the prince.. It was so nice that Nok was genuinely worried for Jaeshin, eventhough he knew that his scars will heal with Yin energy.
And it was a very interesting detail that he didn't kill the assassin, as he can't kill humans, so I wonder if it will mean something.

And it looked so cool how Nok's fate changed in the Book of Names, and when he saw himself in the reflection of the sword... Peak art T_T

But I wonder what will happen as he finally got his confession, so now he can go back to the afterworld. But Nok will stay in the human world fighting the queen.. I hope Jaeshin will be able to stay in the human world.

And the most important thing: I hope his servant will survive, I don't want Nok to lose someone important again T_T

This is such a nice story, every main character is a green flag!!
I love all the little details, especially in the side story about their everyday life, like them holding hands publicly (Euijoon was insecure about it before), their couple pajama etc, sooo cute T_T

Also I wanted to read more about Chaehyun, the best wingman. He deserved happiness as well (also I wonder when did he learn that Ahjussi was gay and together with Euijoon? Or was it just left out from the story, but it's probably around the time they moved together)

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

I think JS got a bit desperate, because he just learned that Nok will die, and it will probably be connected to the current situations (the queen, and his servant dying), so he wants to keep him as far from the happenings as possible, but at the same time he has the communication skills of a vermin ghost (as Nok called him lol). And he is probably torn between wanting to keep him alive and wanting to see him die.
Also he probably got desperate to learn that if Nok dies without falling in love, Jaeshin will need to stay in the human world trying to find a new human to fall in love with. So he got torn between wanting to get the confession from him as soon as possible, but at the same time trying ti distance himself from Nok. And that caused this weird conversation and angry reaction

Can someone help me, I don't read much omegaverse. Is it possible that Lyle will become an omega?
He said his orgasm wasn't like an alpha's and Lyle said that "your alpha is here".
Also Kyle mentioned that Nick fortunately became an omega, so is it possible?

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

Have you guys read the latest raw???

Jaeshin is SOOOO IN LOVE, and poor man is trying so hard to get that confession from Nok (and not to confess first) , but Nok is still only thinking about their contract lol but they are so cute T_T

scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

Mild spoiler

People saying that Jaeshin should leave Nok live his life fully... They don't know yet what Nok's fate is lol

scandalmomo created a topic of Jinx

It really feels like some comedy lol
The story is so random

scandalmomo created a topic of Sketch

I know it's supposed to be sexy, but I can't help, they are so CUTE at the same time T_T their chemistry is tooo much