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scandalmomo created a topic of Night Song

This chapter was amazing, with all the small details as well. I can't believe that now we have to wait months T_T

Jaeshin running, even as a puppy and arriving with his small bloody puppy legs T_T
They will have some interesting conversation now that Nok knows that Jaeshin was the puppy lol
It's interesting how Jaeshin changed Nok's fate so many times, but he actually didn't do it on purpose (except for saving his life,but it was his brothers who told him when Nok will die, so he didn't search for it on purpose) , so I wonder if he will receive any punishment for it. I hope not, because this is what his father wanted, to be able to like humans and feel empathy for them. And his biggest action that proves it is that he would do anything for a human, even making someone's life longer by saving them. And he would have even sacrificed his life, because he was willing to die as a puppy, for the prince.. It was so nice that Nok was genuinely worried for Jaeshin, eventhough he knew that his scars will heal with Yin energy.
And it was a very interesting detail that he didn't kill the assassin, as he can't kill humans, so I wonder if it will mean something.

And it looked so cool how Nok's fate changed in the Book of Names, and when he saw himself in the reflection of the sword... Peak art T_T

But I wonder what will happen as he finally got his confession, so now he can go back to the afterworld. But Nok will stay in the human world fighting the queen.. I hope Jaeshin will be able to stay in the human world.

And the most important thing: I hope his servant will survive, I don't want Nok to lose someone important again T_T