scandalmomo July 7, 2024 8:30 pm

Why is his name sometimes Lee Taeseob and sometimes Tae Leeseob?

scandalmomo June 23, 2024 7:21 am

I hope he is not happy

    bob June 23, 2024 8:00 am

    i screamed plz

scandalmomo June 3, 2024 8:21 pm

This is actually a good and interesting story... If you don't expect a romantic love story lmao
But the story snd the characters are very well written (even shitty, mentally ill Wooyeon lol, and Inseob's also has some mental issues)

scandalmomo May 23, 2024 8:54 am

I'm happy and a bit disappointed with the ending. I'm happy that they are finally happy and that a-hole is gone, but the ending felt very very rushed..
After so much suffering I would like to see them be happy, enjoy the everyday life etc. Also what happens to that idol kid, and that girl who wanted to marry SE...
I hope there will be some side stories, Jiwook deserves the world after all he went through.

And of course THE DOG, I Want to see the dog be happy!!!

    scandalmomo May 23, 2024 8:56 am

    Also what about the sister? And they had another brother who was expelled from the family, or something like that, who is he , what happened to him lol
    And what about the Detective and his lover (Hyun?)

    ChillingonPluto May 25, 2024 3:39 am

    Agreed. I believe also the ending was rushed. Hopefully there are side stories.

scandalmomo May 20, 2024 9:34 am

I see many people asking if they died in the end.
The answer is no.
It's like a frame to the story, the first time they started working/living together Dooshik was stuck in the water and Jooha saved him. That's how they got to know each other.
And now in the end it's Dooshik who saves Jooha from the water (though I think he still can't swim, but anyway Jooha can swim), and the memory of their first meeting helps Jooha to get back his memories.

So in the end they met "again" and Jooha got back his memories. The author also did an extra page where they get out of the water, but it is not included in the main chapters.

    lisa May 21, 2024 7:55 pm

    then where's it included i wanna know, i want to see, and i thought they died, i completed the this manwah on 2023 now i saw now there's oing to be a side story iam really excited for that....

scandalmomo May 3, 2024 4:24 am

Why did I expect another MD? T_T
But at least Potato enjoyed it, i guess that's what matters

scandalmomo April 25, 2024 6:12 pm

But why do people hate Jooin? Poor kid was just trying to live his life, but ended up in a Love triangle with two literal children/stalker with 0 emotional skills lol
He was trying so hard to talk the things out with them and solve the issues, but none of them were cooperative at all. And then he stood up for himself and left both of them (with a very clear ending, like no emotions,unresolved issues left behind).

It would have been so good if he ended up alone, because he made such a clear ending with both of them. I found him a cool character.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! May 11, 2024 7:25 pm

    He just needed a breathing space and room to gather his thoughts. Nothing that suggested he didn't love Yahwi or wouldn't get back with him in the end.

scandalmomo April 25, 2024 6:01 pm

This was so bad, I'm sorry T_T they were waaay too dramatic for some 21-22-24 year old virgin college kids. And the plot is so weird, like it tried to be those rich-poor kid love story, but then the sudden master-from-previous-life stuff..? It was annoying and BORING, the only happiness I Got from this is that Cain escaped from this bullsh relationship

    scandalmomo April 25, 2024 6:06 pm

    Also am I the only one who didn't feel any chemistry between the characters?

    69Sender April 26, 2024 5:00 am
    Also am I the only one who didn't feel any chemistry between the characters? scandalmomo

    Nope 100% agree w u there was no chemistry between any of the characters and Cain just came out of nowhere

    69Sender April 26, 2024 5:06 am
    Also am I the only one who didn't feel any chemistry between the characters? scandalmomo

    Nope 100% agree w u there was no chemistry between any of the characters and Cain just came out of nowhere.

    Gwimochi san June 2, 2024 6:25 am
    Also am I the only one who didn't feel any chemistry between the characters? scandalmomo

    I feel a beautiful and strong sense of bond between Cain and Jooin. But Jooin ruined it for me.

scandalmomo April 12, 2024 7:09 pm

I don't think that there will be any chasing arc soon.. It will probably be like JK goes to find Kim Dan, finds him, probably rpes him, and then 20 chapters later he learns that Dan's grandma is dying/died, but he won't care, he will only want his money back.
This or Dan joins the other team (but it's not like they need him anymore, they already won without Kim Dan's help) and they will meet at a match in the future

scandalmomo April 6, 2024 7:15 pm

It was a good story but soooo many questions and plotholes. Instead of the 2 chapter sx at the end I wanted answers

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