meme October 24, 2024 5:43 am

Awww what an adorable cuddle bear! Something about the soft fluffy body to cuddle up with. I 100% will always choose a partner that has meat on his bones than not. Muscles? Forget about that! I'm not into cuddling up with what feels like a rock. I need my cuddle bears!

Btw, does anyone know of stories like this where the main guy doesn't lose weight??

meme October 23, 2024 7:34 am

Such a good read. Wish it was longer.

meme October 23, 2024 9:17 am

This has so so so much potential.
Wish someone would translate the rest of the pages to Eng as it seems by other comments that there's more posted elsewhere but just in her mother tongue.

meme October 23, 2024 4:47 am

Ohhhh thank you to the cleaner who totally defused that high tension build up I totally can imagine trying to keep it together and not have a melt down in class while cleaning this trash that's some dedication right there

meme October 23, 2024 4:25 am

That...that was to the point alrighty then

meme October 23, 2024 3:56 am

Hmmm who was that third person behind the sheet?

But, yeah, either the omega is super tiny or the alpha is like 7ft tall! That's a bit to digest to see such a stark difference in sizing.

meme October 23, 2024 3:35 am

This is really good! Wish it was longer!

meme October 23, 2024 2:03 am

It takes a pretty self confidant person (not arrogant) with high self esteem to take on a relationship with someone that had a relationship with someone that looks like you and in this case even the Pheromones were the same....and not compare yourself to a dead person let alone questioning the person if they are with you bc they can't see YOU but their dead partner.

But, I'm over here going....boy you ain't no spring chicken either to be using the excuse you need to graduate university before getting married. Its understandable if you're just starting out at 19-20 in university but 39-40yrs old...uhh no plus they are already planning to get a house...just get married and then throw a wedding reception later on down the road if money is an issue at the moment.

meme October 23, 2024 9:14 am

Don't mind me being frustrated with alphas with big dicks being reserved for male omegas

Come on, give female omegas an alpha with a big cock too!

    Monokuma November 20, 2024 1:30 am

    There was actually one. I forgot the name but it was awesome

meme October 22, 2024 7:02 am

The best part was the ending memes

If that's truly the ending....I think the author needs to take a reminder course on how to properly end a story

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