Sooo , im searching for a manga that its about a mc thats works in a kimono and yukata store , and i believe that its the son of the owner of the company goes to the same store to woork but he is very bad in social matters so the mc takes him under his care and they fall in love and stuff. The other thing that I remember its that everything goes hella wrong bcuz the Son has and arranged marriage and Son of a owner problems
Ty foor reading and I hoope you can help me!ヾ(☆▽☆)

is it this one? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kimi_ga_koi_ni_midareru/

Okay i will try again, this? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/dye_of_love/

Okay again XD http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/adeiro_yuugi/

So, i read a manga that had like old art but it was still good. The plot was about a gay couple that had been together for a while. So one gives the other one a ring one morning idkw. What happens next is that a friend of one of them needed help and then the problems started betweem them and what I remember, and it´s very clear in my memory is that the guy with the ring left his keys and the ring in his partner apartament and then leave. That´s all i can remember and it´s sad so i want to read it again. English is not my mother tongue so sorry if it´s a mess I tried my best. Ty (▰˘◡˘▰)

I think it's this one: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/lover_s_position/
so I'm searching a yaoi about a guy who works in a retail store that calls himself "ugly", but a handsome worker from the same company doesn't think the same so they start a relationship. Another thing that I remember is that the ugly guy had 2 co-workers and one of them was a girl, and he was in charge of dressing the mannequins
Maybe this one?
yes, it's that one! thank you good soul (▰˘◡˘▰)
you're welcome ;)