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./. like topic of Interval Zero

I seriously felt like the seme was gaslighting the uke in the talk they had in the council room. They were selfish, and didn't think about Kadokura at all.

"Your father is really proud of your housewife abilities" - what is it worth to me to have my parent be ungratefully proud of something I hate doing?

"You don't think about other people's feelings" - well Kadokura has done nothing but to think about other people and do what other people wanted him to do, he was enslaved without any help. But the moment he kicks a fuss asking for some recognition, he's selfish?

And why should it be thrown at his face that he was allowed to do one thing he wanted to do, that was to be in the council? Because 'he was allowed to be in the council even tho it got in the way of being a slave'.

I really wanted for that seme to fuck off and for the uke to end up with someone else. Damn, even Iichi that old senpai who liked him, would have been better. He at least understood the error of his wys and apologized, as well as recognized the validity of the uke's feelings. But the seme? He was an asshole who just turned everything the uke did against him. That seme should suffer.