Spoiler!!!! In the novel!!!

While Isaac's sleeping, Felix goes down to his basement where he's got an entire base of operatios for his business both legal and illegal. Noah works there and thanks to the incident in the flowershop, they can dig a bit more into the matters, they identify the guys that shot them as members of the USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command), they were mercenaries. Felix is surprised that such high profiled soldiers were involved in this, it meant things were bigger than he thought. So Noah explains to him that these guys' boss was a guy named Cole Patrick. Felix recognizes him as the bitch who's been trying to overthrow him from business, a corrupt official who he used to negotiate with until he found out the guy was stealing from him and selling illegal guns as his own. Four years ago the guy had attacked an island, property of Felix where he had an illegal base of gun manufacturing, Felix's guys had managed to fight back, but something went wrong while Felix was escaping; He found an omega and became distracted, the omega that tied him and broke his arm which caused Felix to be caught by the enemy, which lead to him getting kidnapped and tortured for days. Felix hadn't been the same after that, his behavior became errated, that was the reason why he was so extremely violent and unpredictable, the reason why he couldn't remember Isaac. His memories where mixed, unreliable as he was severely injured.

So yeah, this guy Cole Patrick, he turned out to be the alpa Isaac's father married to. Isaac's stepfather. Noah shows Felix a picture of Cole Patrick standing beside his stepson, marine captain Casey Patrick a couple years ago at a military ceremony or some sh*t like that.

Casey Patrick is Isaac.

Felix probably passed out a bit there, unnoticeably. I think. Lmao.

He'd suspected Isaac was an agent of some sort, like police FBI, CIA or maybe even SWAT, seeing as Isaac was a skilled fighter and had an expert hand with guns but reality was way mor surprising.

So no, he wasn't an ordinary florist, and the reason why they hadn't been able to find anything at first was because Isaac had a double identity. His omega father was also an agent, and also had a second identity which apparently not even his ex wife knew about. Eugene Sinclair and Isaac Sinclair figured legally as normal people, but bot had another name and another life, which Eugene had created for Isaac since he married Cole and they started training Isaac for the military at 14 years old (or 15, idk). Benjamin Lee figured as a soldier, affiliated to the CIA, and Cole Patrick's partner and his son was registered as Casey Patrick, legally adopted by Cole.

Apparently, Isaac's dad was a low-ranked officer, not for a lack of ability, but bc of a discrimination matter, seeing as he was an omega. Isaac, posing as a beta, had been able to climb the ranks easily and efficiently, although the records showed some unusual activity around Cole Patrick, since everyone who appeared as a rival to his power ended up misteriously dead. Noah tells Felix that the guy probably killed everyone, and that to some extent Isaac must have known, because it benefitted him too, considering how he was already a captain at such young age. Felix can't believe Isaac was a marine officer, he was unable to get into Felix's yatch without throwing up immediately. But that's what things where.

Now things are a bit confusing here, I didn't quite understood, but Noah said Cole had incriminated Isaac for the death of his father, and Isaac was being accused of a bunch of important crimes and that's probably why Isaac's on the run. Not only that, Noah also tells Felix that Isaac was part of the DevGru (The Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), a special group of soldiers highly trained to fight terrorism, known to be particularly sanguinary and cold-blooded,he was even a team leader in the red squad. Which wasn't hard to believe, seeing Isaac's ability to shoot and kill with precision and without batting an eye. Basically Isaac had the skill to come and kill them all in the house himself alone.

Noah insinuates that Isaac very possibly had been involved in the attack to Felix's Island, but Felix doesn't want to hear more. He goes for Isaac, he's not in bed anymore, but he finds him at what was going to be Benjamin's room. Felix decorated it with Mickey Mouse stuff, remembering that Isaac told him athta Benjamin loved it.

Isaac is so terribly moved and looks so sick and sad that Felix can only offer him help again, in hopes Isaac will eventually tell him himself all the things about him Felix should know about. They agree to go rescue Isaac's family together, or at least Isaac will take Felix's help.

They take a plane there and once they land, Felix let's him go, makes him promise to survive bc he owns him a lot and they part ways, seemingly with a plan in mind that is never mentioned bc Felix has his own agenda anyways.

While in the flight Felix sneaked some sleeping drugs on Isaac's food, partly because the man had barely slept and eaten, and also to insert a GPS thing and know where Isaac was going to be, because he suspected Isaac had given him a fake address to meet.

So yeah, Isaac goes to meet with Cole, takes the documents with him with the promise that his family is going to be released if he gives Cole the things. Obviously that wasn't going to be so easy, when Isaac arrives at cabin or something in the woods God knows where, Cole is there alone, but Isaac's mom and son can be seen through a screen with a security camera.

The day before, Felix had found out who had betrayed them and sold information of Isaac and his family, one of the bodyguards he hired for Benjamin specifically. He kills the guys himself and when dead, his phone starts ringing. Is Cole, and Félix picks up. They talk, Felix threatens Cole if he touches a hair of any of them. Then tells Cole Benjamin is his son.

Cole is furious that Isaac got involved with someone like Felix, he thinks is low and dirty, also realizes that when he sent Isaac with the mission of killing Felix, he must have become involved with him instead of accomplishing his mission. But then thinks there's something weird. He looks at Benjamin and immediately notices how he looks like Felix. But the baby is a dominant alpha tho, and a dominant alpha can only be conceived by an alpha-omega couple. He asks Mrs. Parker if that's Isaac's son, and when she says yes he knows is the truth, but then that can only mean Isaac's not a beta. Isaac must be an omega.

Fast forward, when Isaac arrives to the cabin, Cole makes him sit and have breakfast. Isaac doesn't touch the food and Cole, who is enjoying his meal, makes him drink some orange juice. Turns out there was a drug to cancel the feromone suppressants Isaac takes to hide his gender. Cole then confesses he marked Isaac's father against his will, that during a rut Cole killed him and made everyone believe he had died during a mission gone wrong. And then he tells Isaac is his duty as the son to take his father's place. He's actually so happy that Isaac is an omega, that he's going to mark him without caring if he's still legally his son. He tells Isaac that he reminds him of his father Eugene, both strong and skilled, but had never paid to much attention before bc he was a beta, but being an omega changed the game. He was obsessed with the father, and now wanted to take the son. He tries to rape him and because of the drug Isaac is not feeling well, they fight and the guy takes off part of his clothes to start the process of marking him. Isaac fights all he can, but can't do much. Eventually he stabs Cole with a fork in the cheekbone, both are severely injured, but mostly Cole.

In the meantime, Felix is tracking Isaac with the GPS, has basically an army himself and with the help of Noah in the distance, they get on the way. They cut off the light in the cabin, the fire starts and Felix arrives right before Cole has his way fully with Isaac. But the mark has already been done and is in the process of completing, slowly bc Isaac's body is rejecting it. So Felix can't kill Cole until they fix that bc it could also kill Isaac. Felix takes him to another room, Isaac begs for him to go find Benjamin, Felix tells him it's alright bc his men are going for him. Isaac insists, says he can't leave his son's safety to other men.

Cole had told Isaac he found out Isaac was an omega cause Felix told him Benjamin was his son, but apparently Felix didn't knew it, he was just being cheeky cause he believed that anything that had to do with Isaac then had to do with him too, and was willing to take Benjamin as his son even if he wasn't. So Felix had actually just found out that the baby was his. Isaac was also confused and finally explains that he's the omega that broke his arm and Felix is really fucking angry, but there's no time, they need to stop coles mark and that can only be done by making a stronger mark. So Felix marks him and runs for Benjamin.

Mrs. Park and Benjamin are in the basement, Felix has a final encounter with Cole using feromone and saves the grandma and the baby. Cole is left alive cause he promised leave him for Isaac. Then he goes to check again for Isaac, who just came k to heat due to Felix's mark. They f*ck again there, on a couch. Felix proposes and Benjamin, feeling ecstatic, accepts.

Idk how much time later, could have been days lmao, they're done and go back down to the basement. Cole is there, he's been tied to a chair by Felix men, isaab shoots him from his knees up slowly until he dies. I'm telling you, the novel is really graphic and violent.

Then they go find Mrs. Parker and Benjamin, Felix is really nervous, even though Benjamin already knew him and they even go along pretty well. Isaac introduces him as Benjamin father and although Benjamin isn't sure if he wants another daddy, he thinks is fine.

Epilogue involves all of them living in the ma dion, Noah is absolutely in love with Benjamin. Isaac finds it difficult to get used to live with people, he says he's basically lived in the middle of war his whole life. They're all using therapy to overcome what they went through. Felix is in charge of taking Benjamin to his first day at his new school but when the baby starts crying he can't leave him and it makes him cry too. So they gtfo of there, go find Isaac and instead go to a park for a picnic.

Also, they get married, but is a small 10 minutes long wedding at the city hall cause Isaac doesn't want a big party and Felix just wants to get married to him.

Then there's Felix's grandpa who is livid bc of his grandson getting married to an ordinary guy and having a child, he even doubts if Benjamin is his son, but that's because he hasn't seen him. That's on the second novel tho, but that one I haven't been able to lay hands on


The end

2021-02-06 11:03 marked

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