"That...feels good.""Could you touch my ass too?"It's been a long time since I've read smthg with bottoms this outspoken. Bless me
Yaguchi × tamura is kinda growing on me helppp
Heonjae was on the floor petiously begging to have his turn WDASHAHHAHAAS fucking funny
Don't care about anyone says about wren, imma cross my fingers y'all gonna be wrong about him
I think Wren will betray them but will come back to save them and redeem himself. He's been through so much that I'm genuinely rooting for him.
The story was doing good until it wasn't. Meh.
Finally, an update. thanks
I'm completely sat at this chapter. Majestic ripped bodies. Great sex. This feels like a treat, now I'm wondering how's the next chaps going to be
Angst got sure
This was something. This was something. This was something. This was something. This was something.
Somehow the story reminded me of Old boy haha
Is there a sequel for the 2nd couple?
"That...feels good."
"Could you touch my ass too?"
It's been a long time since I've read smthg with bottoms this outspoken. Bless me