uwu's experience ( All 0 )

uwu's answer ( All 2 )

have you ever online dated a man and got ghosted so you went after another man of the same breed that reminded you of him only for him to ghost you too and then post w his new gf two weeks later haha aita?   4 reply
24 10,2024
feminine men and masculine women (i need them ) when they’re like a feral kitten iykwim or! or!!! when a man is a little pudgy and dog like and gives the best hugs   2 reply
24 10,2024

uwu's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did read 1000 manga or more

probably mre than 7000

23 seconds
did song lyrics stuck in head

Thoughts are wavering out of my mind into the clouds. They float on, and move out of sight.

16 hours
did anime op and ed

papermoon by tommy heavenly6 my fav op<3tho tbh the whole soul eater ost is sf good i want to eat EVERYTHING omnomnom

17 hours