I never, in my wildest dreams, would have imagined a mangaka would create a leading character in yaoi who is autistic! It's freaking awesome! I have a very dear friend who is the living embodiment of Tatsumi and he has autism. Jake is just the most wonderful person you'll ever meet, but only if you are patient enough to get to know and understand him. His mind perceives the world differently than me or, probably, you. However, if you take the time to exchange your perceptions with him, you find an amazing, kind, witty, articulate and fascinating young man hidden beneath what seems like an awkward, rude brute. He is beastly strong and, just like Tatsumi, had trouble gauging his strength when he was young. Tatsumi is the manga version of Jake to me now! And that makes me unbelievably happy! I can't wait to show this manga to him!
I'm so impressed with this story!