I don't know if I'm going crazy or what but is there a scene where Noah and Raeliana rode on a train and they were suddenly approached by the train staff, a child, and a hooded(?) man. Child and hooded man sat in front of them but Noah went out followed by the hooded man. It turns out that mage that cursed Rae and Beatrice was the hooded man and also possessed the child to talk to Raeliana.
I can't remember if these were the next chapters or maybe I'm just having delusions on my own
Please answer me, I'm on the verge of putting myself in an asylum

Okay for all of you sympathizing with Mielle that she could've changed (ending spoiler )
When Isis and Mielle went to the neighboring country to plan a rebellion against Asher, Mielle 'supposedly' fell in love with the neighboring country's king (he's young, same age as Asher). She didn't even care for her own fiancé since she already found her powerful boy toy. Not to mention, this king was already 'engaged' to Isis so she didn't really care if she had a fall out with Isis. She's just using her but she's useless now that Mielle moved on from her brother.
On top of that, she just willingly and happily pushed her own father down the stairs to frame Aria for attempted murder. No remorse at all when her father was paralyzed all over because of her doing.
TLDR - She just wants power/money/status and is willing to even harm her own family for it. Bitch ain't loyal

This is a good read and all but I still don't understand the value of joining the pyramid scam arc after re-reading it for the 3rd time. While it did give background to Hyun's history, I didn't really get why the author had to take a huge chunk of the story just for that.
With the amout of chapters dedicated for the whole pyramid scheme adventures, I was expecting some sort of effect it will have on the story. Or maybe it didn't made an impact on me (because it's that bland lol).

Wow, good point. The most frustrating part of the novel was the pyramid scheme arc. I didn't like the arc because the author started to make Minhyul take the back seat. Normally he would speak up for Jungsoo in the many opportunities he had but was silent for all of them because the author wanted Hyun to be the lead love interest.
God I knew she was stupid but to think she's this daft???