Lyle starts putting some distance between him and Ash, and Ash is hurt and surprised. Lyle then feels guilty, and goes to Ash’s workplace to apologize to him, but sees Ash with Hazel. He quickly leaves, but then decides to hear Ash out so he waits by the elevator. lo and behold, Ash gets off at the elevator with hazel and grabs Lyle and tells him to not misunderstand. Hazel was indeed dating Ash, however there were NO marriage talks nor claiming of any sort. Hazel had cheated on Ash and was at his workplace to get him back, and Ash says he no longer wants Hazel to speak to him, and to never see him again.
Also, there is a little bit of sexy punishment time for Lyle because Ash wanted to know what Ash was thinking, which results in some spanking and vibeator stuff hehe.
And Lyle proposes
Idgaf about Yamato or his stupid ass wife bruh solve that shit in private why are you dragging two happily dating people into this FUCK YOU
I need a tall monster boyfriend…god if ur hearing this…
Pls can we get a wholesome break for the one time…pls…I want them to go on a date without drama or anything..,I want cute stuff…
Im a tattoo person but his tattoos are fucking ugly as shit plssss
Dude I want that demon guy so bad he’s so… I love weird assholes like him idc if he’s a villain I can fix him trust
Hello spoilers
So sooyeong does go the old mans house with his daughter, and finds out that tae sung was taking a break for the sake of sooyeong. He thought that his reliance on soo Yeong was unhealthy which lead to him acting like he did (strangling etc) so he decided that he needed to cut himself out of sooyeonhs life for a bit. Obviously sooyeong finds out and he punches taesung, they make up and make out in front of sooyeongs uncles memorial, where they first shared comfort with each other. Tae sung breaks down and tell soo Yeong that he « doesn’t want to drag sooyeong to hell with him » and sooyeong sssures him that the feeling go both ways, that they had both been under the assumption that they needed to « be better ».
Knowingly going for a taken man oh my god I would be on national news.
What the fuck is happening
I’m confused but I know I don’t like where this is going
Ur stronger than me… Ur beyond bob the builder rn you the whole construction crew trying to fix that hot mess
This freaky ass author wrote something that made me burst into tears idk how to feel rn that was actually so beautiful
I genuinely hope he’s a good dude :((( my girls been through way too much she needs allies near her now that her hubby isn’t with her rn
ML needs to change clothing I can’t stand looking at him rn I know he a diamond in the rough tho…