Knda specific but i love scenes in bl where uke has cuteness aggression towards adorable seme. Does any1 have recommendations of bl with this scene haha. (like lucky paradise etc.)
Preferably uke who dotes on seme/is not dismissive of seme thanks
Not my fav, seme is kinda manipulative
Uke has a shitty personality (in my opinion), so this story is kinda annoying too
Not cute aggression, just aggression lol
Uke has a temper
Ummm... Some of them might not literally have the physical cute aggression thing, but the dynamic is there
Do y'all have any kr bl novel reccs? Preferably complete trans ones or mostly finished!!
I just finished reading Success oriented guide and i love it sm, does any1 have any reccs for bl novels as good as that T^T (i can appreciate danmei or jp ones too as long as theyre sure theyre good, but atm im in the mood for kr novels and i think ive read most danmeis i find interesting)
bl pls !! not bl-bait www
Thank you so much in advance
sencha replica and dash are the only two k bl novels i could get into for some reason? personally i do think they're both really well written and are similar in that the mls are like severely emotionally constipated lmao it makes for good angst i eat that shit up all the time + sencha replica is also guideverse so if you haven't read it yet it should fill the success oriented guide hole in your heart
4 chapters r released and 5 is being cooked as we read (or is it 4 m not sure....) omg so excited...