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autismlecter's question ( All 1 )

basically i've been spending a lot of time with her and i have a huge crush on her. but she can be emotionally unavailable and sometimes disappears for days or even weeks/months. she touches me randomly on my face or strokes my arm when she thinks i'm sleeping (i sometimes spend the night with her in her room) or she just straight up will touch me and say "i just wanted to touch you". we find each other physically attractive but she is affectionate with her other friends and a notorious flirt who flirts with a lot of people for fun and recently told me she hooked up with someone because she was feeling lonely and stressed. i didn't realize i liked her until i literally started crying after imagining her with someone that wasn't me. it sucked so much. but even outside of romantically she is my closest friend and i love her so much. she's so funny and sweet to me and swears she isn't nice but she always helps people in need. i feel so good when i'm with her, like i have nothing to worry about and she feels like home to me. i think i'm really in love with her. but i don't think she feels the same way and that's terrifying. i really wanna tell her bc this has been weighing on me really heavily for a week now and im already expecting rejection, but i'm still scared. should i tell her?
29 08,2023

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