Another work by Reiko Shimizu, or rather her newest. This series is a disturbing manga about solving...
- Author: shimizu reiko
- Genres: Drama / Josei / Mystery / Psychological / Sci-fi / Shounen Ai
Plot: This is the newest work by Reiko Shimizu.. The series is a disturbing manga about solving murd...
- Author: shimizu reiko
- Genres: Drama / Mature / Mystery / Psychological / Shoujo
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects--and he's bored out of his mind. But all that ch...
- Author: ohba tsugumi
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Vol 1: Target in the Finder (Finder no Hyouteki) 1. You're my Loveprize in Viewfinder: Freelanc...
- Author: yamane ayano
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mature / Yaoi
It's stuck deep inside me and I can’t get it out of my head. Mafuyu's voice is an in...
- Author: kizu natsuki,Gusari
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Shounen Ai
"Are you against being my sex-friend?"The new employee Kazuma, who returned to Tokyo from America, r...
- Author: haru
- Genres: Drama / Slice of Life / Tragedy / Yaoi / Office Workers
Those that make me want to re-read