I keep seeing a lot of hate towards Masaki, especially after he slept with the boyish girl (sorry, I forgot her name). Like seriously, what exactly did y'all expect? for Masaki to "save himself" for Yuji? What kind of BS is that?
The girl was right there and she was willing, and Masaki really isn't in any relationship so he isn't cheating or breaking any promises, so if he wants to "sleep around" that's his decision.
"But Yuji is in love him!" Yeah, so what? Yuji hasn't told Masaki or anybody else about his feelings, and from what we know no one in this manga reads minds, so no one knows, not Masaki and not that girl, so nobody is breaking any "friend codes", so stop hating on the girl too for sleeping with Masaki.
And even if Masaki knew about Yuji's feelings, he isn't obligated to love Yuji back or to stop sleeping with other people just because someone else is in love with him.
So please, please, stop that stupid notion that the MC's romantic interests have to "save themselves" for the MC, and that they are somewhat lesser if they have sex with someone who isn't the MC.

Agreed. Misaki is sleeping around to escape his issues. He doesn't want to be in a relationship because that's too much work. And that poor girl is going to get her fucking feelings hurt dealing with whores. Plus Yuji needs to find himself and love himself before loving A STRAIGHT GUY (or anyone else).

I find it interesting how everyone that has read the raws is talking about the cheating but I haven't seen anyone talking about the abuse!
I mean, I most definitely do not condone cheating, I think it is disgusting, but so is abuse. Like seriously, if your partner cheated on you then dump him, or talk about it and try to move on with the relationship but the person how is getting cheated on has absolutely no right to put a hand on the person who cheated, and specially not in the way Arata did it.
In other words their relationship is fucked up, they both need to grow up and maybe find better partners.

I could be wrong but.
I got the sense that if Na-chan hadn't cheated, long-hair would have. It seems that guy was like some sort of perfect-body hot magnet for both of them. However, Na-chan had the look of a broken guy--like when he was caught he realized suddenly wtf he was doing and he sort of cracked. AFter that, he looks like he has no soul left. I hope they translate it soon, because I wanna see what they are saying and why Na-chan looks so pathetically defeated.
But the way he got beat up, no way. Honestly, that was so cruel. I understand anger, and breaking up, or even cheating back (tit for tat) childish as that is. I get those. But to brutalize someone to THAT degree that it shocks people who see him..... that can get you arrested. It's wrong.

Guys! OMG! Chapter 145 is everything! It is what we have been waiting for! You can read that and the chapters before that here!
God dammit! everything was going well until that guy started talking shit about bisexuals. I seriously don't understand why a lot of mangakas seem to think that it is fine to demonize us, in way too much BL bi people are presented as cheaters, sluts and players, and that is extremely hurtful.
We bisexuals already have to deal with a lot of shit from heteros and even within the LGBTQ+ community because of those harmful stereotypes.
I'm sorry if this is a bit too ragey, but I'm so tired of people still using those stupid stereotypes, like wtf does the mangaka mean with "Bisexuals will choose the easiest option (heterosexual relationships)"!?, thats so ignorant and biphobic I want to scream.
And then you have the "straight" reaction - which is basically the same.
I can get Minato's friend's view though, he's been burned before, so he paints them with a broad brush.
yes, I do understand the friend's point of view, he had a bad experience with a bisexual, but that still doesn't justify him painting all bisexuals as his ex. That is really harmful, and it is just spreading misinformation.
Is true, it's not good to paint all bisexuals the same just because of one person but people tend to be wary of others after a bad experience, is not fair but after going through something like that you start to wonder what if with others is the same, I'm not only saying this because of bisexuals, but people in general
i think (and i definitely could be wrong) that it's more cultural? because in japan being outwardly gay is still rare and not as accepted as in other places so it's saying for japanese men they might take the more "comfortable" path. that's kind of how i took that conversation rather than them painting all bisexuals with a wide brush.
I understand that, but there's a difference between you being wary of future experiences involving similar circunstances, in this cause dating a bi person, and spreading misinformation to other people based just on that bad experience, which only causes harm to people who have nothing to do with what happened to you.
And I do understand that those words might also come from a place of hurt because of what happened, but still, it just hurts more people that haven't done anything.
I thought about it too, seeing how in a lot of depictions of asian culture, people seem to have a lot of pressure to get married and have kids, but then looking at it from that point of view, those kinds of stereotypes are even more damaging, because they create this false ideas that completely erase the possibilities for bi people.
Like, if you have that horrible pressure to conform to the norms but you still try and break from them and date someone of the same sex, if you already have this preformed notions about bi people eventually leaving you for same one who they can marry and for someone who they can have an "easier" relationship with, the you will most definitely not give them the time of day if they come onto you, because why bother risking everything for someone who is going to throw you away eventually.
Stop being so bitchy. It's a fictional manga for a reason. If you get a BL manga with such a context get to you, it is you who's being harmful to yourself.