I can already see a bunch of useless kids here complaining because RSS is "slow" in releasing things, of course, if you want some shitty screenshots, all blurred and with wrong sentence usining google translate to translate things from Korean to English wverything would be done in less then a day. Oh right, but you don't care because you're reading it for free, you care only to masturbate on it without thinking about how many days there's between an official release and the next one and then how many hours they need to clean and redraw on the official release... Do you also think they don't have a pricate life? they don't have their real job or university to take care off before working on some fucking manhwa?
You want things faster? Go buy the offial chapters from the authors so they can earn some money from their work
I can't tell if you're being negative or positive to this
but just u know, I didn't use google translate, and translated all of this myself (my ethnicity is Korean; I was born in korean and was taught korean)
It's hard to get all the phrases word-by-word since korean and english is quite different, nevermind the fact I'm doing this all by myself.
It's difficult to alternate between 3 languages okay?
I'm pretty sure I addressed this issue before. I'm doing this for my own accord in hopes of spreading this masterpiece far more. Who knows? Maybe some people will go and decide to support it after seeing how fab this is.
As for RSS, someone mentioned that they don't even like posting it here, so its a win-win situation.
If you're here just to be plain rude, please leave. Go support the author/read the 'official' translation, don't read it here.
If you're not, then thanks for reading.
Please stop translate chapters if you have to upload chapters like this.
Better wait for a better translation than have to read something like this.
I yet have to find a sentence that make sense.