"I’ve met you and my world and my heartbeat changed."The pure love story of a hearin...

  • Author: morishita suu
  • Genres: Shoujo / Drama / Romance

Those manga gave me butterflies. So sweet. May be I'll have diabetes soon for consuming extra sweetness. Theehee!

Cream soda followed a goer

just friendly neighbourhood otaku.
I won't be making any list or reading list here as there is no guarantee of exporting them if this site close down permanently. But you can ask for recommendations and I will try my best to reply.

25 09,2022
Cream soda followed question about question

https://deescade.tumblr.com/post/648575302105219072/genshin-impact-7-minutes-in-heaven-scenario Take a screenshot and let's see what you get. Warning- flashing images.

09 08,2022
Cream soda like the answer
WHY TF DID Y'ALL ANSWER- I STG I c'ant get one thing from y'all I-
Cream soda like the answer
You know that anime 'ao haru ride'(I literally had to search it up its been years)? There's a scene pretty early where i think its the time she meeting with the boy and his brother together for the first after he came back. And at some point she's like "You had a crush on me when we were younger". Trust me, I closed the fucking app, threw my phone ......
Cream soda want to do

8 people did   /   2 want to do

Cream soda add 1 photos to Mommy list?

Tittle :- the Princess imprints a traitor

Cream soda add 1 photos to Mommy list?

Tittle :- the princess imprints a traitor

Cream soda add 1 photos to Mommy list?

Tittle :- My husband hides his Beauty

Cream soda add 1 photos to Mommy list?

Tittle :- Baby Lady

Cream soda followed a goer

just friendly neighbourhood otaku.
I won't be making any list or reading list here as there is no guarantee of exporting them if this site close down permanently. But you can ask for recommendations and I will try my best to reply.

04 05,2022
Cream soda followed question about confess to your crush

Are you a virgin because no one has really approached you. Or did you do a lot of rejecting? Personally, I am a virgin because I haven't really met the one. I have rejected people in the past, but recently not very many guys approach me. I feel like if a guy approaches me, and is somewhat my type, i'd probs lose my virginity to him, just out of c......

24 04,2022
Cream soda followed a goer
27 02,2022
Cream soda like question

I was never into manhwa a few years back cuz I found most of them to just be smut with no plot. Literally smut 5 chapters in a row. But because more and more manhwa were uploaded and the entire popular pages now ONLy consisted of manhwa, I have to change my taste and adapt. Now that I'm used to the format of manhwa for 3 or 4 years, will I have to go back to mainly reading mangas/manhua from now on... Anyways, I've been reading on this site for 7 years or so now. I don't want this to be another case of mangarock.
Better to just remove the korean bls, they're not targeting that many stories. I still want to read my reincarnated female lead stories on this site. Let's go back to finish uploading the unfinished jpn bls. It's been forever since sekaiichi hatsukoi, honto yaju, Koisuru Boukun and all the OGs were updated. We'll be old and these stories will be left forever unfinished on this site at this rate.

Cream soda says:

Beautiful art of girls from some of my favourite webtoon.

1. Freaking Romance(completed)
2. Age Matters (near to complete)
3. Like wind on dry brunch (ongoing)
4. My Deepest Secret (ongoin)
5. Down to Earth (ongoing)
6. Happily Ever Afterwards (ongoing)
7. Eggnoid (completed)