Bruuuuuh even the dumb husky moran wasn't this dumb the second time around,how can you lose the loyl twice to the same pond to get your shit tgt
Why are straight romance manhwa more regressive than my country economy for god sake
Losers on the comments yapping and crying abt byul not being a top your virgin ass sexless life is showing, why the fuck would you do this much whining bc your addiction to bl and lack of touching grass and reconnecting with ppl made you think bottoms don't or can't fuck!??? For god sake if you think this might ruin your fantasy abt him since you fucking stereotype the shit out of mlm stories go retake your Sex ed bisexual men fuck women and get fucked by men all the time bisexual women gets fucked and fuck all the godmn time so stop with this shit not to mention he's a fucking 2d
Can't decide if i like the ml or just kinda tolerate him cuz he looks like geto but he's still cool af, i think doyoon is the top in the sec couple so can we please get some action on their part
Omg they were all actually victims somehow so you can't really blame anyone of the triangle i think it's great how the author told each one pov so we don't have to pick sides to blame or call out
I love this so much didn't expect anything big but someone on tiktok compared them to jongdok and i couldn't for the life of me unsee it so i had to read it but really love how they both smart and how yoojonghyuk look alike is so cunning and brilliant he is also very kind at heart just likes to keep the bravado which is really such a yoojonghyuk thing to do
Would the yaoi Jesus actually punish authors if they made both tops end up tgt?! at least make them confess to eo or have sex boooo
i know everyone wants what's best for their kids and wish they grow up safe with responsible ppl but this ain't it you can't force a kid into someone's life who just happened to have sex with your daughter like this is a fucking huge responsibility we are talking about i would totally support both the mcs to actually walk away from this bc it's their right to do so the kid ain't theirs this isn't a cat we are talking about it's a human being who the more they grow up the more responsibility come with it and both mcs are still trynna figure out their lives all this while the person who caused this is still alive and kicking nah fuck off also i try my best not to fault women or criticise them bc they are free to fuck around and find out go off but it stops the sec a baby is involved i don't like irresponsible people who don't take pregnancy or babies srsly you know who you were fucking you should have took all your precautions bc men don't ever think beyond their dicks you could had a fucking abortion if you know fully well how you're not fit to have a kid but no you had to drag and ruin three people lifes including your baby really what an assholish human being
Every character that gets added to this story is smoking hot but the ml is still on top tbh
Don't tell he's gonna give him the birds and bees talk at his big age
I have been putting off reading this ever since it's first chapter because the premise and plot were really intriguing and looked new to most used tropes so I'm happy i didn't read it until now bc it would have ruined my enjoyment, alas i still bawled since the 1st chapter ryeong literally suffered more than jesus give him a break please,his dad,the she-tigress and her husband, I'm mostly curious about ryeong master why did he kill him did he discover that he was involved in the conspiracy against jae bc how did he specifically meet ryeong amd offer him to become an ascendant if he wasn't watching him or did he kill that one close apprentice who was close to ryeong or did he cause some of the bad karma ryeong had in his life or the most probable option he didn't kill him with his choice same as his father because he said he loved both his father and master so much we'll see
Okey ik ppl think the bigger the better which is totally legendary n untrue it solely depends on performance but this is ridiculous how is his d literally bigger than the mc thigh which is the most close thing i could compare it to since everything about him is small and petite, how does the 90's yaoi tops have more acceptable divk's sizes than the 2024?!
Both leads are good but i think the childhood friend is the endgame
The mc was adorable at first but really how much dumb can you get, also the ml is such a freak and controlling ass how delulu can you get
Korean yaoi authors are allergic to buffmen taking it up the ass although you would expect quite the opposite from women who suffer through the raging misogyny in Korea, like they ought to draw more buff muscular men taking dick to defy patriarchy but no they gotta pedofy the heck out of it, it could've been fine if it happened once or twice only but this shit happens every single time
Why is he such a gentleman and the mc is soooo adorable
Haymitch said it best "You could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve that boy"
I need everyone and their mother to read this masterpiece,do they really turn into dogs or wolves or wtvr or is it just extra powerful human beings?!!!also why does it sound sometimes that whoever is doing the tattoo to xin is doing it by some magical way and not carving it themselves in person, ill bet that xin is the one doing everything to get free bc he sounds like a really clever person and the only way to get free from his confinement is by either dying or stop being a functional person idk tho but i have a big feeling he's the mastermind if not him than i think many ppl from collateral families are involved not only that cheng