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mio’s here October 30, 2024 4:32 am

basically, she looks up to chief, she likes him platonically. i think it’s idolizing. Because of her shitty family, she doesn’t want the one person she looks up to to struggle, (being in a sam sex relationship is obviously tense in south korea, but the tension increases in smaller, secluded areas). she is not homophobic, she simply cannot bare to see the chief struggle if their relationship becomes a public topic within the town, hence why she doesn’t support the relationship. also, it could be the fact that the other man has a child. she could see him in a rocky way because he’s a single father and she was neglected. maybe envy for the child? her opinion is goes way deeper than what u see surface level. she wants chief to have a chance of getting out of the town too, hence why she’s setting him on online services than talking to people abt it.

    Yourreader October 30, 2024 4:55 am

    Even if that's the case, what she's doing is still wrong, i mean i get it, u want to see the person who's precious to you to be happy, but that's still wrong, like the chief said, u should mind your own business if u don't like it, it's their life, u can't tell em to do this do that, if your not happy about your life, don't drag someone to your unhappiness, they have a brain to think what's good and bad themselves, no need the outsider to step up for them.
    If miok don't like their relationship, that's okay, but she really shouldn't do all of that. she want to see the chief happy and yet do something that makes the chief unhappy.

    mio’s here October 30, 2024 5:11 am
    Even if that's the case, what she's doing is still wrong, i mean i get it, u want to see the person who's precious to you to be happy, but that's still wrong, like the chief said, u should mind your own busines... Yourreader

    never said it wasn’t wrong. i just don’t like the comments making her seem like she’s this raging homophobe who has a crush on the chief. esp when to her, survival and success is more important to her than comfort.

    wearethemisfits October 30, 2024 5:15 am
    never said it wasn’t wrong. i just don’t like the comments making her seem like she’s this raging homophobe who has a crush on the chief. esp when to her, survival and success is more important to her tha... mio’s here

    She can have all those feelings and still be homophobic. If she truly had no issue with it herself she'd support them regardless of what the town thinks. She's hiding behind her other complicated feelings and blaming the town to avoid confronting her own discomfort with their relationship

    Yourreader October 30, 2024 5:19 am
    never said it wasn’t wrong. i just don’t like the comments making her seem like she’s this raging homophobe who has a crush on the chief. esp when to her, survival and success is more important to her tha... mio’s here

    If you don't want people to think you're homophobic, then don't do shit like that

    Yourreader October 30, 2024 5:21 am
    If you don't want people to think you're homophobic, then don't do shit like that Yourreader

    As i said, if your life is miserable, don't drag other to the mud with u, no matter what reason

    Neff October 30, 2024 6:04 am

    I agree with all of your points except for the shes not homophobic part. Homophobia isnt just when ppl say slurs or get violent with lgbtq+ people. Her saying she can't support them and her first action after finding out was trying to make the chief be "normal" by setting him up is indirectly homophobic. It implies that she already had a preconceived view or gay people being abnormal which might be understandable because she grew up in the countryside and stuff.
    Also where is it suggested that she wants him to get out of town? Not spreading the rumor around is the least she could do. I do agree that her reasoning may be deeper than what she talked about but still shes already a university student, an adult. She knows better than to pry into someone else's business.

    mio’s here October 30, 2024 11:00 pm
    I agree with all of your points except for the shes not homophobic part. Homophobia isnt just when ppl say slurs or get violent with lgbtq+ people. Her saying she can't support them and her first action after f... Neff

    never said homophobia isnt that. someone can have homophobic opinions or make homophobic without being a downright homophobe. and to understand this, you have to understand the idea of fluidity within sexualities and the vast prejudice against homosexuals within history. everything isnt as black and white as you want it to be. im not justifying her actions, im simply making an explanation of her behavior as an empath and a homosexual in korea myself.

    mio’s here October 30, 2024 11:04 pm
    If you don't want people to think you're homophobic, then don't do shit like that Yourreader

    again, never said what she’s doing is right lmao. but u can keep going if thats what makes you happy.

    mio’s here October 30, 2024 11:06 pm
    She can have all those feelings and still be homophobic. If she truly had no issue with it herself she'd support them regardless of what the town thinks. She's hiding behind her other complicated feelings and b... wearethemisfits

    that could be true too! never said “if people think this way and behave this way, they aren’t homophobic”. its not her business. i just don’t think she is homophobic, meaning i don’t think she would have a problem with chief kissing a man under different circumstances. either way, it’s still not her business.

mio’s here October 26, 2024 2:59 am

hitting him made no sense at all. she wasn’t even interested in chanil like that until now. “you got me with them because you were insecure that he’d go with someone else?”, i get that is irritating. but the only one who should be that upset is skylar. cirrus used her, yes, but in no way would it be a bad situation for her in either outcome, if that makes sense .. like im srry bro set u up w the greenest flag due to his insecurity!

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