jjaxson created a topic of Please Add Charcoal

Did ya'll clock the 'worn out top' comment lol?
We love a self aware king

jjaxson created a topic of ARTS MANZ

This would have been so much better if mc and red head didn't have such a problematic relationship last season.

I don't know how I'm going to enjoy him starting a relationship after all the fucked up shit he did...

This girl has been facing too many life and death situations since she entered this family fr

jjaxson created a topic of No Returns After Use

Did he sleep with that other guy purposefully or am I gaslighting myself?

jjaxson created a topic of Backlight

The girls in that one shot are so real

jjaxson created a topic of Off-Track Crush


jjaxson created a topic of The Man At Night

The little brother is really pmo istg

jjaxson created a topic of DEAREST

Fuck off! Fuck off Fuck off!

jjaxson created a topic of Define The Relationship

If this motherfucker ain't Hazel...

jjaxson created a topic of Rivalry

The hate for the side couple seems really unwarranted; the only issue is the lack of communication and since they both have things going on its bound to happen sometimes.

Complaining about miscommunication is also unwarranted as nothings has been miscommunicated... misunderstandings have arisen due to outside forces but nothing has been miscommunicated.

I'm guessing a few more misunderstandings are bound to happen, they'll confront each other and then work things out.

I blame the author for this still as they didn't really flesh out their story to get anyone invested; I can hardly remember how they even got together at this point.

jjaxson created a topic of Define The Relationship

With friends like these... who needs enemies?

jjaxson created a topic of Rivalry

What miscommunication is everybody talking about lol? They haven't communicated for anything to even be miscommunicated...

jjaxson created a topic of Corrosive

The baby cute but he's still creeping me the fuck out

jjaxson created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I... There's just no defending this

jjaxson followed a goer
27 days
jjaxson followed a goer
27 days
jjaxson created a topic of Driver's High
jjaxson created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Weh the bomboclaat???????!!!!!!!!!!



