Kintaro September 21, 2020 6:39 pm

Umm im on 36 chapter but i still dont get why he want to kill hero ( dont remember name)

    Prinplup1 September 24, 2020 6:29 am

    cause he was a villain and his friend keeps destroying all his plans?

    angel1 September 28, 2020 3:58 am

    i think it was because hero boy stole his girlfriend.

    angel1 September 28, 2020 3:59 am
    i think it was because hero boy stole his girlfriend. angel1

    at least that one flashback made it seem like this was the case.

    theophania October 5, 2020 5:16 pm
    cause he was a villain and his friend keeps destroying all his plans? Prinplup1

    I don’t think so because in the first chapter it was mentioned he purposely attack innocent people to lure out yemo so they can fight....

Kintaro September 20, 2020 10:31 pm

Ok is it just me but this is really cringey(⊙…⊙ )

Kintaro July 19, 2020 3:47 pm

Im kinda disappointed that there are no murders

Kintaro June 7, 2020 10:29 pm

But u this for what like why author

Kintaro May 28, 2020 12:54 pm

Number 15 is soo cute ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Kintaro May 19, 2020 8:55 pm

But like can someone do same with me XD

Kintaro May 16, 2020 5:41 pm

But like isnt it pedophilia or is ot just me (⊙…⊙ )

    TheBlackHummingbird May 16, 2020 9:25 pm

    for now the kid seems to be the only one who's into this. and pedos are attracted to kids because they are kids, while uke seems to prefer older men. age is a problem, not the reason or even part of the reason, so no. and the kid will grow up. it's not an ideal situation, but that's what makes the story interesting. in my humble opinion

    Blue July 10, 2020 3:26 am

    If you’re talking about James and Henry then definitely not! I mean James is 15/16 yes Henry is Significantly older, but so far only James ever had any “romantic” or “sexual” interest in Henry that wasn’t even act upon lol all he’s ever done was dream about it and that’s 100% normal going through puberty and stuff. Henry has never (so far) expressed ANY of those feelings. He never even looked at him that way. He just treated James as a KID that he treasured but refused to call him family bc of his trauma. I’m pretty sure tho James occupies a place comparable to a son or a brother(so far huh) pls don’t compare this to such a disgusting thing like pedophilia

    politelyfingermyasshole July 10, 2020 5:29 am

    I can see how this would make you uncomfortable a child has sexual feelings for a man I'm guessing he is probably around 30 to 35 and James is 16 now but Henry doesn't feel that way for him YET but what I'm guessing will happen is James will go overseas with his new adopted parents until he is like 18 or 19 then Henry and James with reunite and fall in luv and have a happy ever after

    blueninja89 July 28, 2020 12:06 pm

    The whole thing is he was raised by him and people are completely ignoring that. Reality this is gross but people will overlook anything in fiction.

    Blue July 29, 2020 11:47 am
    The whole thing is he was raised by him and people are completely ignoring that. Reality this is gross but people will overlook anything in fiction. blueninja89

    Incest and pedophilia are two different things? I do agree that even if they’re not related by blood it’s kinda incestuous however 1 nothing happened yet and 2 yes it’s fiction and I definitely read and liked (to my own surprise) far worse novels and mangas

    blueninja89 July 29, 2020 12:40 pm
    Incest and pedophilia are two different things? I do agree that even if they’re not related by blood it’s kinda incestuous however 1 nothing happened yet and 2 yes it’s fiction and I definitely read and l... Blue

    And that’s fine if YOU and others like it, but doesn’t invalidate my point or any one calling to attention they find this plot immoral given how these two meet and later “fall in love” despite one partially raising the other in very established parental/ guardian role. There are tons of BL that indulge in “pseudo incest” it’s not a new concept doesn’t change it’s a cop out to allow either a guardian/ ward romance to foster or in some actual cases pedophilia. This plot may not actually have a child start a relationship with an adult but the issue is this adult sees his partner as his responsibility and then later somehow a sexual romantic partner later with little resistance. Of course it’s fiction so have at it, but that kind of thinking if applied realistically invalidates “step parents”, “guardians”, “adoption”, as not actual families just later options for age gap relationships to be indulged in. I’ll actually give you famed director Woody Allen as an actual real life example and look how to this day public opinion of how he met his “wife” is looked at. Despite how they’re not blood related.

    Blue July 29, 2020 10:15 pm
    And that’s fine if YOU and others like it, but doesn’t invalidate my point or any one calling to attention they find this plot immoral given how these two meet and later “fall in love” despite one part... blueninja89

    Dude I’m not trying to fight lol I’m 100% with you on this yes it is incest. What I meant is the comment is about pedophilia not incest. I can tolerate incest in fiction to a point but never pedophilia. So although this IS incest it is NOT pedophilia further more since Henry expressed ZERO interest in James. And No it is not pedophilia if he becomes attracted to him later on, would be different if he was attracted to him now and only didn’t ACT on it until later on but he literally showed no interest. I think so far he’s only struggling cause he doesn’t see himself as good enough of a family member(Sorry if it doesn’t make sens English is not my 1st language) I understand what you said and I agree on everything you said about incest, I did not mean to ‘invalidate’ your point sorry if it came out that way, and I *usually* don’t like reading that but sometimes the story is just well written you can’t help like the story (and not necessarily agree or support the plot.) example: flowers in the attic is one of my favorite books it’s horribly incestuous but honestly soo well written doesn’t mean I agree with all the incest happening I just enjoyed reading the story. (Definitely not for the romance tho so that’s different from this)

Kintaro March 12, 2020 9:59 pm

I love when characters are jumping through the window ˘◡˘

    Sangwoooo June 27, 2020 9:04 pm

    yup yup(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Bigpp July 19, 2020 5:18 am

    If you take this out of context this will be the funniest sentence I’ve read in my whole life

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