Chapter 36 was the balm to my soul, after I got yelled at at work and cried my eyes out
Sakura is gay but decided to get married since his younger sister recently got married which made hi...
- Author: kuzukawa tachi
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / comedy
Nah, the big bro is an ass. He knew that his little brother was in love with the woman, so he secretly snatches her and then hits him with the "we want to marry"?? Hell, he told his friend that he likes her, before they even started to date, just to tell him to gtfo with his crush on him. Yet he hides everything from his lil bro, like it's some secret, until they are about to marry?? He didn't even give his brother the chance to come to terms with the situation or even decide wether he too, wants to pursue her. Like, that is just unfair. If it were some random other man, sure, but if it's your little brother, with whom you have a good relationship, then it's just a jerk move to sneak behind his back, knowing that you are going to hurt him a lot. Besides, it was pure bs when he talked about how Yuu just congratulated them with a smile, so he wasn't serious about her. What was he going to do, throw a tantrum?? She and his older brother were in a relationship long enough to decide to marry, what was Yuu supposed to do at that point, unless he wanted to tear appart the family?? The older bro sneaked behind Yuu's back like a coward, backed him into a corner, and then had the audacity to act, like he was right all along. He is just an ass. He said bs about pride and how he wasn't going to give her up, when in reality he was just afraid, that if they openly fought for her, his skill issue would cost him the woman, so instead he sneaked around like a thief and betrayed his brother.
Didn't even have the decency to move out with her, and just brought her home, where Yuu has no choice but live with them.
It also irked me, the way he handled Asahi. The moment he found a woman he liked, he quickly told Asahi to get him to fuck off, which, fine. But then he just drops contact? They were supposed to be friends, but he didn't have enough guts, to call up Asahi and keep contact with him. He was completely unbothered with them not speaking for over a year, and probably would have never reached out to Asahi, if they didn't meet accidentally. Even when they met, he clearly couldn't give less fucks about how they just went a year with no contact. You don't go from being friends, to not even knowing if the other person lives or dies or knows that you for effing married in the meantime (and hello, at least send him an invite?? Wtf), unless you really never cared about that person. Or perhaps he is just that much of a coward, that he was afraid to deal with an upset Asahi. I wouldn't be surprised, considering how much of a little sneaking, cowardly bitch he was towards his own brother.
Yuu is 1000% better than his brother, and Asahi is lucky that it was the younger brother he ended up with.
LMAO I READ PORN MANGA LIKE THIS BEFORE now they be making legit stories from porn tropes, I can't
Ngl, I find Louie to be ugly. Everybody else is much more handsome or pretty
Also, justice for Marja
Why do I keep thinking that the demon king is Limon I know, that they met face-to-face, so it's not the same person, but still, my list is like this:
2) red haired knight (sorry, forgot his name)
3) current emperor
Lmao, Saki has a smooth brain this was like a distilled version of the usual civilian+yakuza relationships, but I liked it well enough. Especially the tattoos.
He's incapable of recognising other people's faces. The only exception to that symptom is ...
- Author: MIKKA Mita
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance
The holy pope looks like a stepped-on frog when he gets angry
Ngl, Suo is being a jerk here. Yes, Geon is hiding something from him, but Suo is well aware of what it is, and it seems like he only wants a confirmation, which is okay. But he is also well aware that Geon is paranoid about gay PDA, and obviously, talking about his gay past in public is a big no-no for him. Whether or not there are only random people passing by, if his first reaction is panicking and asking for a more private setting, then clearly there is not going to be any proper discussion happening. It's not like Geon said no. He simply asked for a different location, yet Suo shut him down with a stupid excuse, and tried to downplay Geon's worry when dude was clearly about to panic. And then he acts shocked that Geon snapped? Get outta here. Not everyone has it so easy, being completely comfortable in their sexuality and not afraid to be public about it.
So I've just read chapter 45.2, and I'm honestly pissed at Minato. Like, the way he acted was just shitty. He disappears without a single word for freaking *months*, like Tsuge's short hair grew out, it was that long, even though they were close friends, and he himself admitted that he recieved a lot of support from Tsuge. Maybe Tsuge's last words sounded scetchy, but they where nowhere near bad enough to suddenly ghost him entirely for months on end. He didn't even send a single message! Sure, he couldn't tell details, but at the very least he could have sent something like "I suddenly got a job I need to travel for, can't spill the details, won't see you for a while, goodbye for now". Would that have been hard? No. He just decided to skip town and pretend that it's totally normal to abandon friends with no warnings.
And let's not pretend, that if Tsuge didn't see by coincidence his debut, and didn't decide to *still* support him despite the clear abandonment and how he obviously fell into a depression, didn't go out of his way to give Minato a gift, prompting Minato to meet him on a whim, then they would have met any time soon. Tsuge basically delivered himself to Minato's door, and it was only then, that he deigned to grace Tsuge with his presence. Lord only know when (or if) he would have stopped ghosting Tsuge otherwise.
I find his behaviour deplorable. If I was in Tsuge's place, I wouldn't have showed up at the concert, and if I saw the other, I would tell him to take a hike. No one, who cares about me, would completely ghost me for months with little to no excuses.
This manga has it all, lmao. Furry of different levels, mpreg times three, main character who looks like a little kid and the only reason this isn't officially shotacon (aka pedo) is because technically he is an adult, actual underage stuff with a 16yo because of course we need shotacon themes not only visually, but also lore-wise, and unless the white tiger dude is also one of those that look one age, but actually are far from it, then there is a large agegap too. I wonder, what other niche, borderline "everyone needs to get really cool about a lot of stuff really quickly"-stuff the mangaka will put in this manga.
Don't get me wrong, i'm enjoying reading this, but I cannot take it seriously at all.
.....what in the world? Why did they go through the pain of having Meiba infiltrate, if they were going to bring 6 people to beat down Yurian anyway? And with a very highly ranked member too? And if they had to bring Meiba because she is the strongest, then why bring all the stragglers? Like, I get the red-eyed dude, and maybe the yellow too, to superwise and give instructions, but why the random 4 weaklings?
This is just so inefficient.
No but it makes no sense even beyond the dubious translation, it makes no sense. Why would they bring her mother there? Even if it's as some kind of insurance to make Meiba behave, it's too risky to bring a random civilian to military territory and lug her around a high-stakes assasination mission. That's just stupid.
Not to mention, that it matters little that the target discovered her identity, if the target was confirmed dead. Like, sure, Yurian didn't die, but as far as they were concerned, he did. What is a corpse gonna do, tell the newspaper? Lol.
And that whole scene in her childhood where she was accused of being a witch, also makes no sense. Nothing happened, she literally just saw a kitten. Yet a bunch of soldiers appeared (why where they there in the first place?) took one look at her, and decided that she needs to die. How did they know that she has a lot of magic?
And then, the pope also appeared out of the nowhere. Like, seriously, what the fuck was he doing there? In some random road, for no apparent reason?
Weird as heck.
Kurumi fr just settled down to watch them get their freak on
Anyway, that monkey was very creepy