PurplePillow March 15, 2025 12:45 am

I can’t believe he didn’t choose Kaede. I was so sure he was gonna choose him and next chapter it says someone else’s name and I’m really bad with names so I even went back and double checked both names and key colors. I feel like a total fool. Bamboozled even. I think MC’s platonic chemistry is with Natsuhi’s brother is stronger then the romantic chemistry between MC and Natsuhi if that makes sense? Idk I know I’m just Kaede biased. Also the janitor need to eh locked up in jail or sum.

PurplePillow March 9, 2025 9:59 pm

This better lead to some very good character development where Lyle faces things head on (and get some more luck with timing) and they learn to communicate healthily and Ash has nothing to hide and they live happily ever after which we get to see in even more extras filled with FLUFF (and maybe a wedding) cuz AAAAAAAAaaaAaaaAaaa

PurplePillow March 3, 2025 12:30 am

Can someone plz spoil me what the relationship between Taesan and MC’s (past?) crush who’s name I don’t remember and just got sent in that ambulance. Like why is he picking Taesan over MC and why is he upset when Taesan even interacts with MC to the point that he beats him up. Why would he start constantly abusing Taesan instead of just playing along with MC’s feelings in the beginning? I have the feeling that their relationship somehow started with him developing romantic feelings for Taesan and tearing him poorly because he can’t accept it himself and Taesan does his best to try to keep the peace. I have this really bad feeling that he has been s*xualy abusive towards him too and I really hope I’m over analyzing this.

    son of thors March 3, 2025 12:56 am

    I haven't read novel (I plan to but haven't yet). For now, as we know it the mc and Junwoo, his old crush in the ambulance, were only just ever friends. Mc would also try to be useful for Junwoo to gain favor even though he didn't really expect much from it. (Example is lying to Junwoo's father for him.) Junwoo was never aware the mc had feelings for him and still isn't aware, the mc never plans on telling him either.

    As for Taesan, we know Junwoo has a very bad and possessive personality, especially twords Taesan because he's attracted to him. We know Taesan has positive feelings twords the mc (and personally, this is my own theory though, that Taesan actually has romantic feelings for the mc and Junwoo knows about this but the mc doesn't. I also somewhat believe this is related to what Taesan was going to tell him in the school shed before Junwoo interrupted, that's why Junwoo gets so angry whenever the mc helps Taesan because then Junwoo gets made out to be the villain, in which he is.. but yk, meanwhile the mc only gains more favor from him by doing so.)

    Before Taesan catched Junwoo's eye, Taesan and the mc we're only ever somewhat friendly since he was a new kid at school I believe (unless I'm misremembering.) Their relationship wasn't that deep but it was positively friendly until Junwoo met him and instantly caught feelings leading to the intense bullying followed by the negative feelings from the mc (1 week no attention: ☠☠☠)

    Panda March 3, 2025 1:51 am

    This is just purely assumption on my part but this is wht I see how their relationships go:
    At the start, Jun(MC) likes Junwoo(trash) and is showing it by being helpful to him.
    Then here comes Taesan. Junwoo likes him, but shows it by bullying him (I don't know if it's because he blames him for his turn out or that he's just a psychopath).
    Of course, Jun catches up on to this. And thus tries to sabotage(?) Taesan and Junwoo's relationship by acting as Taesan's savior.
    However, it backfires because by doing that, Taesan ends up liking Jun. Junwoo didn't like that, thus beating Jun.
    After the squabble, Jun realized that liking Jun is not worth it (at all).

    Panda March 3, 2025 2:01 am

    Of and forgot to mention this, but I think one of the reasons Junwoo is bullying Taesan is because he wants to isolate him from his classmates. If Taesan is isolated from the class, it will be easy for Junwoo to carry out his whims on the poor guy. But of course, Jun gets envious of the attention Taesan gets out of Junwoo. So he counters it by being the only one to help Taesan from being bullied by Junwoo. For all I know, Jun only do the saving by the chance that he gets more of the attention Taesan gets out of Junwoo. Well, he gets more than what he's bargained for and finally snaps back to the realization that liking Junwoo is not worth it, at all.

    son of thors March 5, 2025 8:09 pm
    This is just purely assumption on my part but this is wht I see how their relationships go: At the start, Jun(MC) likes Junwoo(trash) and is showing it by being helpful to him. Then here comes Taesan. Junwoo li... Panda

    Yeah it's definitely because at first he couldn't stand the idea of being attracted to a guy and started bullying him but eventually he (while still being an asshole) tries to gain favor by helping him and accepting it eventually ig

    That's definitely part of it lol

PurplePillow March 3, 2025 12:17 am

Okay I understand that ML planned everything from the beginning and I knew one of them would probably die (likely ML) due to the tragedy tag. I know and their mutual friend (who MC didn’t know was mutual) though it would be better for the revolution plan of ML let go of MC. I don’t understand why he had to die though, why couldn’t he had gotten in the carriage and be together with ML afterwards? From my understanding, which I’m not sure is even right, he choose to protect his uncle by sitting on the throne instead, but how could the mutual friend go along with that? I really do get the feeling that the friend would’ve been happy if ML got to live a long and happy life with MC.

PurplePillow March 2, 2025 7:05 am

Someone remind me of what bad things Hyunjae did in this timeline that wasn’t due to being manipulated by ML’s brother so I don’t feel bad for him plz. As far as I understand their relationship started with mutual interest. Hyunjae is clearly in love/obsessed with MC and MC said something about ”don’t make me regret loving you” which implied there was a time he did love him. Then MC breaks everything off and Hyunjae is heartbroken and becomes even more manipulated by ML’s brother. I know he did horrible things in the original timeline but I can’t help but feel bad for him in this timeline because he doesn’t even know anything about all that.

    arbors March 8, 2025 7:22 am

    biggest issue was the fact that he wanted to break mc to have mc. like yeah part of that was junils brother but he was messed up regardless. not to mention he was the epitome of "only wants something when it's gone" if nokyoung ever went back he would've gone back to being a pos

PurplePillow March 2, 2025 4:00 am

When MC was born there was a connection between MC and ML that ML felt and saw. Like a universe thing that showed ML he would watch MC grow up and filled him with a strong sense of protection, similar to a guardian person/spirit. If you visions of the future of a person you will probably feel drawn to them, kinda lest destiny. They also grew to close so naturally they would have some kind of relationship. When MC’s sister died ML was filled with both guilt and fear that made him even more over protective of MC and even more scare to lose him. He decided he would watch over him and keep him safe while ML lived a normal life. Then MC grew up and started to get to know other people and ML could not fully let him go realized the connection would always be there and that being apart would be extremely painful.

When MC grew up ML was a natural part of his life, after his sister died they became even more like family. MC developed adoration and eventually affection from ML for taking care of him, possible like having a crush on someone older because they seem cool in their eyes.

ML had always seen and treated MC like a kid. Until MC confessed, which also strengthened the feeling within ML that they were connected to each other through fate/the universe/whatever gave him the visions in the first place. ML opens up to MC, but MC is exposed to danger and ML prioritizes MC being safe and alive over them being together. Nonetheless, MC is now part of the other world now even if he doesn’t interact with ML so the best thing right now would probably be for them to be close again.

Regarding the beginning where it was implied/hinted at that they went all the way we actually don’t know if they did. They haven’t talked about it in detail, MC doesn’t seem to remember everything, not have they done it ”again”. Although I do understand if it doesn’t matter to some people how far they went and that it is the fact that something happened that people are not comfortable with, which of course is okay. I’m also willing to be proven wrong on this point if we get some sort of evidence in the future.

I understand that the age gap can be seen as sketchy and uncomfortable, especially since MC is just around legal, but it’s important to understand that ML has NOT been lusting over MC since he was a child, nor did he have some kind of plan to wait until MC became legal to make a move on him. MC initiated something further in their relationship and whether ML should’ve rejected him or not is something people can debate (I already explained my thoughts about ML’s approach. Basically is not the PDF some if yall choose to assume he is because of lack of understanding. Thank you.

    Purplebutterfly March 2, 2025 9:27 am

    Very nicely said. I personally feel that Muheun didn’t really consider it in a romantic way until Seungjoo kissed him that day for new year’s. I’m still a bit confused about their one night stand myself. Considering the behaviour we’ve seen from them both in this story it feels a bit OOC that they got drunk and slept together just like that. I wish we would actually see a flashback of that night to make it clear what happened and how.

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ March 8, 2025 9:46 am

    Seme rejected uke he never lust after him and wanna protect him cuz he saw his friends and uke's siblings died in front of him well said. I actually can't understand why people not understanding it and wanna call seme pedo or groomer does they even know what these words stand anymore

PurplePillow March 2, 2025 3:33 am


PurplePillow February 28, 2025 12:21 am

Is Rotation MC’s blood related half brother? Sorry I’m slow.

    blonk March 1, 2025 7:56 pm

    Rotation? Are you talking about maximo? If yes, then I believe they're cousins related by marriage

PurplePillow February 26, 2025 11:31 pm

They match each others freak we well. I feel like they’re always someone in the relationship that’s has more of a people pleasing self-loathing complex who gives in on their boundaries for the other persons sake but with this they’re so well synced/on the same level in a way I can’t explain. I love that they found each other at a low and instead of focusing on fixing each other they just grew better together. Maybe their relationship didn’t start out a healthy way but I would say it was toxic in a healthy way if that makes sense?

PurplePillow February 26, 2025 2:27 am

I remember reading this when it was being updated and thinking it was such a shame it was ruined because of fan service. Now when I binge read this years later I still think about how good it could’ve been, how much potential it could’ve reached as a compete work. The main things I think were:

- Samuel getting off when James was speaking about his past on their allians mission which mainly felt like forced fan service
- Them making out before making it so safety and being caught by Rugal (just a commonly used irritating situation), also a type of service
- Brett being with a high schooler (minor), I feel like they could’ve aged up or aged down either if them to be more appropriate since everyone important had fake identities anyways

But mostly:
- Samuel feeling James up before freeing him from the chair Rugal tied him to and SA’d him, this is where is felt the line to the typical quality reducing fan service you can turn a blind eye to was crossed (this is when the overall impression of the work is noticeably damaged)
- The Rugal James SA scene in the EXTRAS…completely unnecessary to the story since it was already over and I honestly don’t even think this can be justified as ”sketchy” fan-service, it’s just bellow acceptable and disgusting. The way it was followed up by James dismissing it, Samuel moving on and getting intimate immediately after, and Rugal having absolutely zero consequences and it being framed like he was ”doing them a favor by letting go so they can live in peace” is so contrary quality wise to how the series started and even carried through almost to the end. The fact that it was also the last chapter/s makes it even worse as it leaves a negative impact on the overall impression after finishing the series.

The plot was good, promising, things were suspenseful but also making sense and adding up in a beautifully crafted way at the end so it’s really such a shame it turned out this way.

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