That he's so weak with no chance to grow during the day
But personally I feel like it a balance to his hella OP powers
Compared to other MC's that are Super mega op with an off hand mention of 'consequence' that can be removed or ignored the story doesn't get boring because he has actual problems
All he can at say is act as a scout and support

1st off. You're controlling this comment section rn and I'm here for it cause I'm noticing a lot of the differences you pointed out too.
2nd off i couldn't agree more. I love that he's nerfed during the day. Like sure he doesn't know how to fully use his powers and has no real combat abilities but inori's powers are so op that without the day time nerf he literally becomes a god which is no fun straight off the bat.

Biggest difference? Glepneir
I the softer version Glepneir is made using his weapon skill using the fur of the wolf king due to its Hardening properties when in contact with the magic
Instead here Glepneir is made using the shades of his dead brethren and is strong just because of its shadow property
It's still hard to detect but instead of hard to detect because 1.Ot smells/feels like the world king andb2. Because it took time to string up in the forest, it's because Glepneir is made using his packs shadows those of which were already attacking him and were just repurposed for capturing and killing him off
Glepneir is Chains here but in the other one He uses thread
Glepneir takes the form of thread in the other one
Also he discovered Shadow threads his first venture into the Forrest which isn't mentioned or shown here

Because it mentions literally all the details the other one never fucking brings up
Literally the only reason I started this I'd because I wanyed to know what the goddess actually said
In the softer version alll we know is
Hero gets summoned
Hero proposes
Hero gets rejected
Hero gets summoned
Hero attacks inori bcs apparently the goddess likes hhin but she literally says like 1 word to him which was rejection aka
We never see that the goddess even MENTIONS inori
Also the dungeon?
Alll we know is the hero killed the boss and inori didn't but found all the treasure with detect
Thats it

It feels darker and more like the 'revenge'/Thrown away hero story the other rendition is trying to build
The timeline is faster(aka chap 3 here is like chapter 15 in the other one) but I actually don't mind because of both the art and the extra details this has compared to the other
For example he requests and eye patch for his yellow eye, Aliyah is more emotional and angry here showing her true HATRED for her position, she feels more like a princess who was pushed off the throne for a child rather than a princess who goes with everything and only feels slight resentment
The hero from the other kingdom didn't just come for a banquet or what ever and inori didn't see him because of OP extra skills all the way in the servant quarters
No the other hero is shown as he was supposed to be in the other
Overly emotional and attacking others because he has anger issues and can't control himself and no one will stop him BECAUSE he's a hero
Anyway I'm still on chap 3
And overall I feel like this art style conveys the darker and more emotional aspects of this story compared to the other one that feels like it's setting up for a slice of life solo adventure story
I saw my brother watching a manhwa recap of another streaming manhwa and my first thought was
I wonder if genius Archer has updated (actually it was more along the lines of I wanna see almond)
And LO and Behold
CHAP 51!
trust u instincts chat