Definitely not a fan..I love 3-Pun Instant no Chinmoku and Sayonara Alpha, so I had high hopes for this one, but man was I disappointed. It starts out all cute, but then the kouhai continuously uses his senpai's body while he's drunk, kidnaps him, handcuffs him, rapes him for hours, keeps him isolated in the mountains for days, humiliates him in public, and acts like he's the victim???? And then his senpai MISSES HIM??? Excuse me..what? If a man did this to me, no matter my feelings for him, I would call the police. This isn't a story about love. It's about a psychopath. 4/10

oh i so agree. seme is an asshole and i really wanted uke to throw his briefcase at his head and beat the shit outta him. instead he gets all weepy and desperate while the rapist fucker plays the victim!!!
I honestly didnt care whether they ended up together or not i just wanted the seme to pay first, like some major repentance!
i wanted him to get a briefcase to the head really badly, really really badly!
So sweet and beautiful. Naoto and Hazuki are one of the best couples I’ve seen in a yaoi. Shizuku is so precious, I love her. I think that the mangaka wrote Naoto’s dark past really well. It made me cry (´°ω°`) I can’t wait for the second volume!! I want more!!
If anyone has any similar yaoi recs, please share them! ^^