Loner July 7, 2024 4:17 pm

Okay i revised my sentence. Can't believe mangago ppl can be so sensitive. Okay, i hope mc can be more aware next time after this incident that he is deserve to be protect and be cautious even if he didn't have pheromone. Since there's a lot asshole out there. Peace <3

    Loner July 7, 2024 11:09 am

    I hope this will be a lesson for mc to never let his guard down and bring his bodyguard along with him. It isn't like ML can save him all the time.

    pennyinheaven July 7, 2024 12:35 pm

    PTSD the he didn't know where it came from set in and got him basically paralyzed.

    Reneec July 7, 2024 12:57 pm
    I hope this will be a lesson for mc to never let his guard down and bring his bodyguard along with him. It isn't like ML can save him all the time. Loner

    Girl you sound a little to victim blamie to me it’s apparent that he froze and not just from flight or fight fear but from a intense trauma that had him reliving a assault while going through a eerily similar assault Not to mention the PTSD Or even the power dynamic

    Loner July 7, 2024 1:42 pm
    Girl you sound a little to victim blamie to me it’s apparent that he froze and not just from flight or fight fear but from a intense trauma that had him reliving a assault while going through a eerily similar... Reneec

    Not rlly tho. I just say fact. He rlly let his guard down tho? He didn't bring his bodyguard. And go alone with alpha that he did FEAR before when both of them at toilet. "Well, he is ML's brother ofc he is okay going with him" bla bla. Even so he should be cautious. And i didn't blame him. I just mocked him how he underestimate the situation with : " well i can protect myself " and he didn't rlly do any of it.
    Also from ur point, it already clear he shouldn't go alone with him right? Lmao

    Reneec July 7, 2024 1:49 pm
    Not rlly tho. I just say fact. He rlly let his guard down tho? He didn't bring his bodyguard. And go alone with alpha that he did FEAR before when both of them at toilet. "Well, he is ML's brother ofc he is oka... Loner

    That’s your opinion he’s in a rock in a hard place this person is older than him has power to hurt his family, his reputation and his family with his husband. There’s so much power dynamic and flow over that that he hast to listen What is he supposed to do cause a scene and make his family look bad when his family is already mad at him and we know he’s been a puppet his whole life he lives to his family He never let his guard down. He tried multiple times to defuse the situation in a way that was not going to bring blow back on him or any of his other situations He knew his bodyguard was following him and listen to what you’re saying, you’re saying it’s his fault that he followed a man and that it’s his fault he had a PTSD freeze up first of all like we said he felt obligation to follow the man that does not give the man right to do anything after that second of all PTSD is a mental illness that changes the chemical balance of your brain and has physical effects on the body You are literally blaming and mocking him all at once you are feeding into the rape culture by making a joke of it. Somebody could practice self-defense all day, but that doesn’t mean in the end it’s going to apply In reality

    Reneec July 7, 2024 1:52 pm

    Girl with love this is not it like truly, we don’t victim blame and we don’t help perpetuate rape culture we Don’t say it’s the victims fault We do not give anything to the perpetrator We do not condone, abusive authority or power We do not support Ideology Of weakness in victims

    Loner July 7, 2024 2:33 pm
    That’s your opinion he’s in a rock in a hard place this person is older than him has power to hurt his family, his reputation and his family with his husband. There’s so much power dynamic and flow over t... Reneec

    First of all there're many option that better than following an asshole alone.
    Second, he rlly doesn't need to follow ML's brother word. Even if the brother can hurt his family, he can ask ML for help later
    Thirdly, he isn't a child even a child know what is come first, safety or reputation.
    Fourth, nah his bodyguard didn't follow him. If so he will scream. And he won't say "i can protect myself".
    Fifth, whatever if u rlly tried to protected MC submissive chara at all cost. I'm fine with it tho. It just my opinion about him that's right. But u don't need to tell a whatever PTSD or mental sickness bla bla..i did know he fear him, that's why i'm saying he quite innocent or naive to follow him along alone. Whatever... i just see what i see. And u just see what you see
    Sixth, i disliked his chara for being too weak.

    Loner July 7, 2024 2:36 pm
    Girl with love this is not it like truly, we don’t victim blame and we don’t help perpetuate rape culture we Don’t say it’s the victims fault We do not give anything to the perpetrator We do not condone... Reneec

    Duh. Who support rape culture or blame victim. he is only side villain. That's why i didn't really care about him. He only an asshole wicked bitches. So what if i dislike mc chara have to do with victim blaming or support rape cultured? Wow u so wild.

    Reneec July 7, 2024 2:49 pm
    First of all there're many option that better than following an asshole alone. Second, he rlly doesn't need to follow ML's brother word. Even if the brother can hurt his family, he can ask ML for help laterThir... Loner

    He literally acknowledged the fact the his bodyguard saw him and trusted that he would be followed and safe bc that’s that man’s job he knows that he has no option to we literally know the bodyguard followed him because he knew where he went and went and told to get help so that’s an irrelevant point that we literally seen in the story and saying you can do something in applying into the situation is totally different. I’m a 500 pound woman I’ve played multiple sports and taken self-defense classes I’ve fought men and lost You could say all you want, but until you’ve been in a situation in that exact person shoes you can’t talk

    Whether he followed him or not, does not mean he deserved or should have got attacked by that man a rapist will be a rapist, no matter what situation you put them in just because a woman is walking alone at night doesn’t mean she deserves to be put in the situation where she could be assaulted just because a man is a bit weaker than another. One does not put him in a situation where he deserves to be assaulted. You are being a rapist apologist you are justifying you are fighting for you or defending The rapist with this internalized misogyny and sexism and perpetuating and furthering rape culture You are blaming the victim. How is he supposed to ask for help when he still scared he’s gonna be kicked out when he’s still a puppet in his head when he’s been abused and used his whole life like you’re literally delusional

    Let’s talk about mental illness how it physically changes the wiring in your brain how it physically changes the chemical makeup of your body how it affects you emotionally physically and mentally this is science. These are things we know you sound very ignorant and uneducated not to mention that flight or f Fight Is a biological response those are things that are hardwired in DNA of all human beings and most animals And fight or not just fight back or run away because these are fear induced reactions that are biologically wired into our whole mean Things you cannot change these are the way the body will react, no matter what you cannot rewrite or rewired these actions I don’t know if you’re dense or just unqualified to talk about these things

    And we know that this boy has been abused his whole life been neglected. His whole life has been love starved, and doing everything he can as a puppet for his family. He’s lived his whole life being geared towards these things that he’s forced into a marriage she doesn’t want so now he has to please, this man and he’s scared of being thrown away by his family this man and he’s scared of the man too. He gets PTSD flashbacks when he’s with this man, too naïve to trust that would save him also from him.

    Reneec July 7, 2024 2:53 pm
    Duh. Who support rape culture or blame victim. he is only side villain. That's why i didn't really care about him. He only an asshole wicked bitches. So what if i dislike mc chara have to do with victim blami... Loner

    Girl truly insane you are feeding into rape culture by blaming the victim this is not you disliking it. It’s saying he was too weak and that’s why he was putting in the situation. Literally blaming him for being assaulted And you are putting the ideology that weakness gets you put in the situation when the only thing to blame in the only reason like this happen is because somebody is a rapist I don’t care that you don’t like the mc You are blaming him for getting assaulted saying he should’ve fought back. That’s literally the same thing as saying she shouldn’t have wore that Or she shouldn’t have drank When the whole thing is, he shouldn’t have raped. He shouldn’t have been a creep. He shouldn’t have dragged somebody to somewhere. They didn’t wanna go. He shouldn’t of forced himself on somebody period point blank and if that makes me wild, it makes you truly unhinged and absolutely insane

    Loner July 7, 2024 3:21 pm
    Girl truly insane you are feeding into rape culture by blaming the victim this is not you disliking it. It’s saying he was too weak and that’s why he was putting in the situation. Literally blaming him for ... Reneec

    U just overthinking anything. After reading this manhwa, there're rlly have many part that getting my nerve. That's why i give my opinion. It's more like the plot. Which one u said that i blame him for getting assaulted and he should've fought back? I just focused on his chara cuz he is mc. And i dislike how he behave. It just that. Not like victim blaming or anything u said. U just twisted the word however u like. Like u said they shouldn't have been a creep or whatevr. But does a creep rlly hear u if u just say stop being creep or stop being rapist. When they can be hiding anywhere. So u just say we should let our guard down whenever we go? Can u rlly responsible if someone got rape or something?

    Loner July 7, 2024 3:22 pm
    U just overthinking anything. After reading this manhwa, there're rlly have many part that getting my nerve. That's why i give my opinion. It's more like the plot. Which one u said that i blame him for getting ... Loner

    Being "alone" ofc

    Loner July 7, 2024 3:25 pm
    He literally acknowledged the fact the his bodyguard saw him and trusted that he would be followed and safe bc that’s that man’s job he knows that he has no option to we literally know the bodyguard followe... Reneec

    Lol u so funny if his bodyguard rlly follow him. Then ML won't be coming. U must read it again mc never intend bodyguard to follow him cuz he didn't want make it to big deal. IT CLEARLY HE IS BEING CARELESSS. And I believed that the bodyguard report himself to ML.

    Loner July 7, 2024 3:45 pm
    He literally acknowledged the fact the his bodyguard saw him and trusted that he would be followed and safe bc that’s that man’s job he knows that he has no option to we literally know the bodyguard followe... Reneec

    hmm u talk about deep things here. If he rlly have mental illness as u said don't u agree he should be not be alone right? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Loner July 7, 2024 3:55 pm
    He literally acknowledged the fact the his bodyguard saw him and trusted that he would be followed and safe bc that’s that man’s job he knows that he has no option to we literally know the bodyguard followe... Reneec

    I don't and never defend rapist. Which one i mention it? It was you who mention it. Other comment already said about the rapist a lot and it already represented my opinion about him. That's why i didn't put care about him. Since he only side chara anyways. Also for the fight back things u mention. He didn't rlly need to fight back if he can't fight. But he should put himself safe first by not going alone or tell his bodyguard before by giving message to tell ML. I'm glad the bodyguard do his job well or ML came on the right time. But if itsn't for plot, he won't came at the right time.

    pennyinheaven July 7, 2024 4:22 pm
    Girl with love this is not it like truly, we don’t victim blame and we don’t help perpetuate rape culture we Don’t say it’s the victims fault We do not give anything to the perpetrator We do not condone... Reneec

    Sorry but as much as you are right, OP does have a point. You sense danger, do you still opt for it? You see a dark alley, you find it scary, there are other routes available, maybe longer walks but generally safer than the shortcut, would you still go to that shortcut? Instead of running while already in danger, best to avoid getting into one from the beginning. Being overconfident that you can handle things or nothing bad will happen, doesn't always end up good.

    No, no one is blaming the mc for how much of an a-hole the brother is. But there were opportunities to avoid the situation before it was too late to get out of it, aka mc's ptsd setting in, at which point there's nothing he can do about it.

    banfi July 8, 2024 12:02 am
    I hope this will be a lesson for mc to never let his guard down and bring his bodyguard along with him. It isn't like ML can save him all the time. Loner

    uve clearly never been in a situation like this. the mc acted how many ppl in real life react. maybe think first before posting victim blamey ass comments

Loner June 30, 2024 4:19 pm

Mc a bit annoying. Why he always have a thought with his dad. Yes he is ur savior but be smart pls. He who treat u like a trash. Why would he be care or even think about you. U never been consider as family. Stop being masochist.

    Loner June 30, 2024 4:26 pm

    Chapter 28

    Owh i just find out. I think he just being delusional

    Loner June 30, 2024 4:46 pm

    Chapter 34

    He just followed ml brother. Who is being vulgar to him? And he say he can defend himself?? LOLOL WHY MC SO STUPID I JUST CAN'TTTT

    Loner June 30, 2024 4:46 pm

    He literally know he is dangerous and yet???

    blislife June 30, 2024 6:39 pm

    Lol mc has never been treated with love before, how would he know how the differences between the two

    Seriously y'all keep forgetting that he's depressed n repressed

    Loner July 2, 2024 1:29 pm
    Lol mc has never been treated with love before, how would he know how the differences between the twoSeriously y'all keep forgetting that he's depressed n repressed blislife

    He isn't a child. He already grown-up. And he should know why ML bring bodyguard for him. TO PROTECT HIM YET HE GO ALONE WITH ALPHA. "I can protect myself" stfu b1tch stop being nuisance.
    This is like someone give u a bag, yet u didn't put anything inside just wearing it and hold your things with bare hands.

    Whatever lol u guys so biased with mc. And forgot the fact that he is an idot.

    Loner July 2, 2024 1:38 pm
    Lol mc has never been treated with love before, how would he know how the differences between the twoSeriously y'all keep forgetting that he's depressed n repressed blislife

    Owh sorry u mean the earlier? The chap 27-28. It cuz i hate seeing he still thinking of doing bad deeds for his father just to be a hero of his family. He aware it will meaningless cuz his father didn't cut the root of problem. Yet he still trying to help. I thought on first chap or after that he already clear that he will only with ML and didn't want to be involved with his family anymore. Kinda disappointed after chap 27-28. Whatever is his reason. It still masochist to trying help ur family by doing bad deeds that meaningless. When there's no spot for him as 'family'

    Also cuz he hyprocite. "Isn't like i want to be hero" bla bla bla. But he still thinking want to help. Tho the later action he didn't give it. But still the way he think is irritating. It so simple just stop being masochist or people pleaser.

Loner June 23, 2024 3:58 pm

Chap 1-6 .. Hmm. No wonder i confused why the backstory have seme's pov. And the story tell as if it was mc past not seme. Turn out it to make me cnfused :)

    hellahana June 24, 2024 6:27 am

    Me too!! I thought it was mc bubble haha he own an apple farm but he's working part-time?!?! Idk how I get to that conclusion lol

Loner June 16, 2024 2:23 pm

Neeed moorree pleasee !!

Loner June 11, 2024 5:49 pm

Oh my god...spoiler ahead






His previous coach also will rape him

Loner June 11, 2024 4:53 pm

Interesting new concept i guess? Magical world x modern x isekai.

Still mystery, why only mc can see the store. and the teleport stuff how the store still appear in mc world? . Maybe it was same location as store in his world but cuz mc have a will to be a part timer he sucked to other wprld?. Like that was two world with same location just different world. that why when he entered back at his part time there was elf customer and not his world customer. Even if it was only his will. It still strange why only him??

Well whatever just enjoyed the story

    Chouchou June 12, 2024 8:12 am

    I'm wondering if the magician's teleport device works on wants/needs... like if a person is thinking "I really need this" it will pop up in their space if they have the item. She mentioned the stock changes based on location. So because he was really needing a job and was happy with anywhere and the shop needed an employee... it came to him because it could fill his need.

    Idk though... just a theory. Doesn't explain how it doesn't pop up for other our world humans... unless it has but the magician didn't realise because they have humans in their world too?

    eheem_noice June 12, 2024 6:20 pm
    I'm wondering if the magician's teleport device works on wants/needs... like if a person is thinking "I really need this" it will pop up in their space if they have the item. She mentioned the stock changes bas... Chouchou

    this actually makes sense (✿☉。☉)

    Chouchou June 12, 2024 7:36 pm
    this actually makes sense (✿☉。☉) eheem_noice

    I'm glad it does and I'm not too crazy. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ will be interesting to see how the author explains it

Loner June 1, 2024 5:14 pm

They show us oppai but they hide the private part. When they also did s*x stuff. I mean... C'mon we know this is porn. Just why hide the lightsaber and lighthole. Oops

Loner May 28, 2024 5:37 pm

Somehow i think the panther is actually the boss who loan the mc (present time). He's not boy toy, but ML is the owner who pretendes to be gigolo while he pay some con artist to be cover his real identity. And it also still unclear who come to attack mc house at night and who give the order to hit them with truck

    LeRain June 4, 2024 7:43 am

    Sister, that is obvious. Even MC is suspecting him.

Loner May 26, 2024 8:55 pm

Its disturbing.

Loner May 5, 2024 6:18 pm

Umn. Just say call first name or last name. Just call him lee or baekwoo -.-.why put his full name. That feel so weird

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