A man, unhappy with the work he has had to do in life, is involved in an unexpected event ...! He be...
- Author: Matsumoto naoya
- Genres: Action / Horror / Comedy
I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags: http://www.mangago.me/home/people/12706/manga/1/
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list: http://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/655038/
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series: http://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/645867/
This list is dedicated to the appreciation of
Dicks too big to fit
Uke saying "oh sooo big" during sex
MASSIVE cocks, showstoppers
Semes with issues for having big cocks
Ukes with big dicks
Dick Meter How big is the snake?
☆☆☆☆☆ (1 to 5)
Belly Bulge: when the dick can be seen pressing out of the skin
Ahegao: Fucked Silly Face
All stories are