To all of the angry zhanyi shippers. I wanna clear something real quick with y'all. Tianshan shippers had to wait a long time for this. Xixi and jian yi have been the main focus for a really long time, so many chapters, so many..... damn so many. So it's He tian and Momo's turn. The main couple will come back but just let the other kids have a turn on the swings. To me you guys are just being that greedy kid that won't let anybody have a swing. Just re-read ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL those chapters that jian yi and xixi were in cuz it's A FUCCING LOT!!!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
I’m sorry. As a person who gives a fuck about ALL THE CHARACTERS and actually leans slightly towards tianshan, when the fuck did us tianshan shippers have to wait?
I’ve been reading this story since 2014 when it started and nah, don’t give me that shit. This story STARTED off with two boys, and don’t have ANY intention of adding another two.. <<< this is coming from the author’s own words from the official 19 Days Volume One book that i bought. It was just supposed to be a story without any serious plot line and was just supposed to be about funny, plotless chapters which is why they were so short in the first place.
ISTG tianshan fans like to ACT like the author started the story off with four& that the author totally abandoned tianshan’s storyline and did zhanyi’s and forced a whole bunch of people to wait when that was not the case. tianshan fans NEVER had to wait because tianshan weren’t even characters involved in the story in the first place. how can you wait for something that doesn’t even exist yet?
https://gurakos.tumblr.com/post/183498348061/nira18-sorry-for-the-late-reply-yes-the-first please also read this link by an UNBIASED tianshan shipper who’s fave is mo guan shan. I also kinda wrote similarly to what they said because I agree and it’s 100% true.
the second tianshan joined the storyline with their first arc in 2016 with she li, they’ve been in it constantly. and when they first appeared, she balanced the chapters between both couples VERY WELL. for example: 3 zhanyi, sometimes 4 tianshan, an arc for zhanyi, then an arc for tianshan, sometimes two arcs for tianshan in a row. and then after jian yi confessed in 2017, their storyline was pretty much abandoned. they have not had an arc since then. it’d be another thing if tianshan didn’t have back to back constant arcs for two years straight but they have. it’d be another thing if zhanyi’s storyline was completely finished but it’s not. NEWSFLASH, TIANSHAN HAS CAUGHT UP QUICK WITH THE SOOOO CHAPTERS THEYVE HAD IN THE PAST TWO YEARS WITH BACK TO BACK ATCS ZHANYI. and those 100 y’all count in the beginning like lmao HALF OF THEM WERE FUCKING ARTS AND NOT ACTUAL REAL CHAPTERS BUT ANYTHING TO STRETCH YOUR NUMBERS RIGHT??
also a lot of you like to act like zhanyi’s story is finished and that’s why she shouldn’t continue them like no?? We know he likes him but when has xi confessed? they haven’t even had their second kiss yet? WHO IS AFTER JIAN YI? what is xi’s backstory? and so much more to the overall story and their whole connections in general. we have more on he tian and mo than xi period. like there is soooo much more to the story.
the real truth is we have actually NEVER had to wait for tianshan and because of it, lots don’t know the actual experience of having to wait two years for their storyline to continue and therefore don’t bat an eye or understand where the people who actually care about all four equally are coming from. I’d understand if zhanyi were some unimportant background couple but they are the couple who started the story, main characters who are just as much main characters as tianshan are, so of course people are going to miss them when they are treated more as accessories in the story rather than the important characters they actually are. same for tianshan. if anything, MANY more fans would be freaking out and missing them because they’re the actual more popular couple of the story and they would be like “please don’t forget tianshan’s storyline!” etc.
( and now new readers even more don’t have to wait for them since the story is constantly about them now. they just read it all in one go). I know damn well if tianshan were abandoned for two years, there would be sooo many comments about wanting them back because hell I already see those type of comments from them even when there are 3/4 chapters in a row without them.. but of course that hasn’t happened in a while bc tianshan have had the storyline centered on them for the past two years. so of course tianshan fans would beg (x20939392 times more than zhanyi/objective fans do since tianshan is more popular) having their storyline being in the forefront again and yknow what? THATS OKAY because yes THEN you have waited a long time. but you guys haven’t. tianshan fans have had no wait time between anything. it’s never happened. it’s completely justified for fans to want more of a main couple (doesn’t matter which) who haven’t had their storyline be in the focus for a while.
here’s another comment by an unbiased fan who clearly can view this story as a whole and see things objectively: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4241572/
here’s another comment that simply says they want more zhanyi moments because they’re the couple that started the story not some rando couple http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4239857/ and a overreactive tianshan fan replying “to end zhanyi’s story”, with ANOTHER tianshan fan giving an actual mature response to them back that makes sense. which btw isn’t the first time i’ve seen a tianshan fan say to end zhanyi’s story. a lot of them actually have said they hope jian yi dies when he disappears as well so the storyline can completely focus on tianshan.
and look here’s another comment where a person who prefers tianshan admits that zhanyi are pretty much a side couple now and that tianshan have soooo much screen time http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4236924/ with 21 likes with ppl saying “And I'm absolutely fine with that; tbh Mo and Tian grew on me, I like them more than the mains at this point ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭” once again proving the point that people do in fact REALIZE what is actually happening, that zhanyi ARE being treated like some unimportant background characters rather than the important characters they are. in reality there are just a bunch of extremeists fans like you that just want tianshan's storyline to continue until the end of time without caring jack shit about the other couple at all. and once again it’s fine that y’all prefer tianshan, I myself admitted I kinda lean toward them too but I also love ALL FOUR and you guys have to understand you can’t just view things so one sidedly. you’re only viewing your own side as a tianshan shipper and that’s it.
jfc I love tianshan but if anything it’s the tianshan shippers in the comment section that get into a huge fit any time people say they miss the other two, want more of them, etc. I constantly see comments like
this http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4202332/ w/ tons of likes
“lmao the side couple are so much better” “give me more he tian and mo. I find them much more interesting!” “i could care less about the main couple. give me more side couple!” (unknowingly a lot of ppl who actually prefer the side couple still refer to them as such even tho they’re mains now but whatevs that’s besides the point) and tons of likes on it and that’s fine i’m not saying those comments are bad, IM ACTUALLY ONE OF THE PPL WHO LIKE THOSE COMMENTS LOL but I just don’t understand why some ppl don’t treat it the same when ppl write that way about zhanyi, cuz yet when it’s reverse, it usually gets tons of thumbs downs and tianshan shippers attacking said person in the replies like what even??? this fandom is so hypocritical and biased, and as a tianshan shipper myself I get it, I really do but sometimes y’all really need to take a step the fuck back and view things objectively. this story is about four people now, it began with two but now it’s about four and fans have every right to feel concerned that the other two have been in the background for tooooo long.
I’m sorry but I really have to use your words against you: there is more then what you’re seeing right now. he tian and mo have had their turn, for a veryyyy long time now, and it feels about time to switch back to the other couple at least for an arc or 3 so it can feel more balanced before jian yi disappears for a very long time. because after that, it could be very possible that the author could just use allllllll that time of them in high school to focus on tianshan while jian yi is gone for 3 years. I don’t get how you guys don’t get that and are so blindsided by the love for your ship that you can’t see the story as a whole and why it’s just not plain good storytelling to abandon a plot line of another couple for a long time (it’s not like it’s been 3-6 months or something, it’s been TWO YEARS) when it hasn’t even finished yet. sorry for any typos, hope the overall gist of what I was trying to say got through.
I agree with you. Zhanyi are basically canon already and had loads of development. Tianshan has a long way to go so they need these chapters. There is no main couple anymore clearly or the author wouldn’t be dividing it so perfectly. If it mostly centered on Zhanyi it would show. Instead the author deliberately tries to balance it out. There’s multiple main characters each with their own story to tell. The story as a whole has expanded. It’s no longer just about two childhood friends.
Missing them is fine and all. The issue comes from people repeatedly whining about a change that will not go away. Like it or not the story has changed. It started out only about Zhanyi. True! That’s no longer the case and it will never go back to that. If anything with the appearance of She Li, He Cheng, Qiu, Baldie (Mo’s friend) it’s likely to further expand.
He said it to the love letter girl. He drew them under an umbrella together (signaling love). Yi isn’t suffering anymore because of his feelings and felt confident enough to call them hanging out a date. Zhan blushed over it. It’s pretty damn canon.
He Tian is a flirt and there are loads of flirting and innuendo between him and MGS. But by no means does that make them currently canon. They aren’t even close to Zhanyi in that regard considering neither confessed to each other or even another. Not even He Tian. There’s implications but nothing solid.
technically both zhanyi and tianshan are canon couples because the author has confirmed both couples to be endgame when they get together because there have been some ppl who were suspicious she was just ‘queerbaiting’ and not going to make them actually get together at some point, but at this point in the storyline, neither couple are officially OFFICIALLY together TOGETHER yet, it’s as you said currently relationship-wise. they’ll get there one day but that’s in the future after the time skip.
I please ask you to read my earlier comment/reply since I don’t want to repeat myself and it already addresses the few things you’ve said… but I may end up repeating myself anyways.
although zheng xi has admitted his feelings to xiao hui, he still has yet to actually TELL jian yi he likes him back yet. sure he kissed his forehead and yes that’s proof of his love but jian Yi himself doesn’t knows that, he is still very confused and doesn’t know if he should make a move on him hence the chapter where he kisses him over his hand. The fact that a lot of readers still don’t believe or simply don’t know if they’re together shows proof that the author hasn’t made it clear enough, they definitely act lovey dovey and datelike but nothing is explicit and they won’t be officially together until the future as the author has shown on special chapters and illustrations. and xi hasn’t expressed his feelings to jian yi most of all. sure he expressed it to xiao hui but just because you tell another person you like someone doesn’t mean THEY know and we haven’t seen them call each other anything official such as ‘boyfriends’; for example, If I tell my best friend I like this guy at school, that doesn’t suddenly mean me and that guy are now boyfriend/girlfriend, that guy would be hella confused and be like “whut” because it’s not like I’ve said anything to directly TO HIM. AND they haven’t even kissed, mutually I mean. There is still more work to be done in this relationship.. so much work and plotline wise as well. I don’t understand how this makes them “finished”, it doesn’t. No one would be asking for development in their storyline if they were truly done and over with, and even if they were (which they aren't), plot-line wise their story would still not be done and the author could still balance tianshan chapters along with the main overall plotline of jian yi being kidnapped and the buildup to it, the whys etc. this story is also more than just about the romantic relationships themselves.
he tian is clear with his feelings but mo is quite confusing on the other hand. It could be that he doesn’t like him yet, that his feelings aren't quite there at the moment or he is just extremely tsundere. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I like to think that he’s just tsundere since he blushes around him lately, I mean even if he doesn’t like him, he’s definitely at the very least semi attracted to him. there is still work to be done in this relationship as well. once again, NEITHER relationship or storyline is finished.
point is, none of these couples will really be official until they’ve graduated high school.
the fact that a lot of u are just saying “they’re canon” just to say it when old xian has only done the bare minimum in their relationship is just a cop out excuse you guys use to try and get people who care about all four and want to see the story balanced WITH ALL four again to shut up but this itself doesn’t even work because their storyline is not finished as you guys like to act. (for some reason a lot of you act like people are asking for the author to abandon tianshan’s storyline and to make her abandon them for two years in return and no one ever said that, people are just asking for the story to feel like it’s about four again). once again it’s been two years with back to back constant arcs/chapters of them, that combined with the chapters they had before with zhanyi back when the story WAS a bit more balanced, they have loads of chapters now and you guys are ignoring that and acting like they haven’t had their time in the spotlight but they have. I mean because let’s be real, if this was a story of just zhan zheng xi and jian yi and suddenly jian yi were to confess and xi were to confess his feelings to another classmate, would you guys still be saying “okay theyre canon, their storyline is done now, time to move on to another comic”? the answer is no because that would be a shit way to end it because it would be unfinished, xi hasn’t confessed back or at least kissed him. we don’t know his background but we know he tian and mo’s, we can still see his childhood from jian yi from his point of view, we need explanations on who is after jian yi, who jian yi’s father really is, the proper build up for his disappearance, and the moment when he and xi officially would get together. it’s dumb that because there are two couples, and the other is more popular that you guys feel it means the author should just completely stunt their progress and not continue their storyline. you guys wouldn’t be saying it if the story only had zhanyi so why is their story suddenly “done” “canon” “developed enough” when there is more than one couple when readers would surely not be pleased if it was a solo story.
all people are asking is to make the story balanced again now that tianshan have already had their turn and the other has been in the backburner for far too long, continue tianshan’s storyline alongside zhanyi’s, not push tianshan aside. it’s not a difficult task to do as MANY other authors who write multiple couples at a time do it or they usually wait until one story is finished and create another comic for another.
another thing is even if zhan actually HAD confessed to jian yi, that doesn’t mean that their storyline should just be stopped, I mean in what world does that make sense? there is more to their story, we’d still have to see them kiss, develop their actual official relationship, see how they act in one, see the buildup to jian yi disappearing, and etc. it doesn’t make any sense to just drop them like that, the author does not have to abandon zhanyi’s story to continue tianshan’s. for example, the author of “love is an illusion” has just started on her second couple of the story a few months ago and yet because she hasn’t finished the first’ couple’s storyline, she is currently balancing both couples storyline in the story very well, switching between chapters of each and once she finishes the first couples’ when they get married etc, I have no doubt she will then only focus on the second couple which is fine bc theirs would be totally finished and we already know how they would act in their officially established relationship; she didn’t abandoned the first couple even though she is developing the second because she knows the first also still needs some development. I don’t know about you but I sure as hell hope the author doesn’t completely abandon tianshan or zhanyi once she makes them get together because I think I speak for us all when I say we’d all like to see how they would act in their future officially established relationships, at least a few chapters before it officially finishes even if it’s just 10 chapter “extras”. I wanna know which side of the bed mo would sleep on, would they get a place together, would he tian ever meet mo’s father and have an official “meet the boyfriend” meeting, etc. same for zhanyi like I personally wanna know all about that stuff. I also don’t see how even the author has to stop zhanyi’s story in order to tianshan to catch up to them in your eyes, like “hey let’s completely abandon this storyline for years and get back to it later when tianshan a couple who have only known each other for two weeks get to the same level of trust and love zhanyi have” like what?? why do you guys feel like the author is obligated to do that?? she doesn’t. she doesn’t HAVE abandon zhanyi’s storyline to do that, now that she’s already given tianshan their “turn” as you guys say for TWO years it’s not like they haven’t had any time in the limelight.. they certainly have, she can write theirs at the same time as zhanyi’s; 1 arc that last about 3-5 chapters for zhanyi, 1 arc that lasts 3-5 chapters for tianshan and etc. she gave them two years worth of constant back to back arcs and development, they’ve had their fair share content; it’s times to make it balanced again and have the story be about all FOUR again. niether relationship or storyline is finished, it doesn’t matter if u think one is ahead of the other, they are different relationships with different dynamics; I remember back to when people thought tianshan had more progress and some still do and yet still begged for more chapters of tianshan regardless of whether they believed zhanyi had less and thats fine because yknow why? tianshan are now apart of the story as zhanyi are so why should she abandon them even if they did have more progress, she’s can’t just abandon these other important characters. I’ve hella enjoyed tianshan’s storyline for these past two years, again I lean towards them more than the other two althoI love all, we have learned so much and seen loads of development but we also still need to see more from the other side too.
arcs tianshan have had in the last two years (after jian yi’s confession in 2017 which was halfway through that year):
- he tian getting mo a job arc
- he tian taking mo to a restaurant and learning about mo’s past arc
- tianshan @ school arc: mo talking to his grey baldish headed friend about crushes / looking @ a guitar and he tian sending a dick pic that night but also waking up later from a dream of a dog which he kinda compares mo to
- mo seeing he cheng for the first time and arc of the tomato sauce incident that had him freak the fuck out and run to he tian’s house and mo fell on top of he tian. I call this the tomato arc.
- arc of mo’s family issues: mo visiting his dad in jail, seeing more flashbacks of his childhood, seeing those loan shark men who talked shit of his mother and he tian finding him that same night and then fight together
- hospital / he tian’s father arc: where mo was healing, he tian visited him and left to see his father and mo had dreams about him. she li also visited.
- mo receives visitors arc: zhanyi go over and he tian comes back that same day, he tian ends up sleeping over mo’s home and has a flashback/night of his childhood
- she li interferes with tianshan @ school arc: I mean I kinda explained this one in the title, she li tries to catapult a soda can at mo’s head, he tian uses his brother’s men to get she li to back off, also arc contain he tian doing something to mo on a dare
- tianshan aquarium arc: he tian kidnapping mo from work, taking him to the aquarium, throwing him in the river later that night and jian yi saw them
- mo’s past with she li arc/earring arc: flashback to mo’s past with she li? he tian being protective, he tian telling mo to where the earrings he got him and mo telling him to buy him new ones for when he feels like wearing them then tianshan skip school to try buy the earrings and head to he cheng’s house
- tianshan at he cheng’s house: he tian arrives at the house and helps out xi who was trying to get in, he tian and mo collapse to the bed, and it looks like there is an implication this arc will only continue to focus on those two more.
heck I might even be missing a few or maybe I could even split some of them.
arcs zhanyi have had since then:
- 0 arcs
- they occasionally feature in background of tianshan ones
- they’re lucky if they even get one chapter with ONLY them in between a tianshan arc (and one chapter does not count as a arc so please don’t even go there, there has to be some sort of explanation/subplot of something going on in a series of chapters) and the rare one or two lucky chapters that pop up randomly in between their arcs are just qiu talking/doing something to jian yi or taking him to he cheng’s home.
and you yourself also just admitted they’ve been put on the backburner as well as the many other comments I linked from my last comment from other unbiased fans that for some reason you guys automatically label every single one as “zhanyi fans” saying it when it’s clear the majority of it has been said from many objective unbiased ppls’ observation that they’ve been shoved on the background and no main characters (whether he tian, mo, xi, or jian yi) should be that way. (of course there are a small handful of zhanyi fans who have also said it but that’s a given and the actual point is that it’s a common fact that they’ve been pushed to the side ADMITTED BY many in the fandom and from a writing/storytelling perspective, it’s not good to abandon your other main characters like that). it’s been two years of constant tianshan back to back arcs without even one for zhanyi, and the fact that you guys make it seem like the author only just started on 1 single arc of tianshan that contained only three chapters of them like a month ago and ppl haven’t given them their chance in the spotlight makes no sense. they’ve developed well, especially within the last few chapters of mo accepting earrings from he tian as it surely shows his change in feelings towards him compared to when they first met, just as zhan's doodle of the love umbrella shows a change in that he's kinda realized his feelings at this point.
and I’m sorry but if two years is not long enough then tell me what is? what is the proper amount of time you oh so holy fans, who supposedly care about the story as a whole (which you clearly don’t), believe is the right time for the author to make the switch back? four years? 6 years? 10 years?? and ONLY then can she go back to zhanyi? no. that’s dumb. tianshan have had plenty of chapters, it’s been said and pointed out by many (including myself who loves tianshan even the tiniest bit more than zhanyi) who love ALL CHARACTERS/SHIPS equally and many who actually prefer tianshan that zhanyi have been in the background (tianshan fans happen to mention it like this: lol tianshan have completely taken over the story and it feels like the author has forgotten about the other two but I honestly don’t mind >>> i repeat an earlier example http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4236924/). once again, it’s really just extremist fans who have a problem with it because you would rather have tianshan’s story go on for forever and don’t really care about zhanyi’s ever coming back into the limelight, even in a shared balanced way. it’s ironic that this is even an argument and that you guys claim “zhanyi fans to be greedy” when 1.) lots of the ones saying it are actually ppl who love all the character equally or are tianshan fans admitting it 2.) you guys are the ones pushing for the story to only continue focusing on tianshan, whine for them to come back “I want my tianshan” when zhanyi get a rare two chapters in a row these days — fucking hell THAT hasn’t even happened in a long time — and don’t care/want the story continue to abandon zhanyi even tho it’s already been two years. it’s gotten to the point where ppl are so used to their constant dose of tianshan that they freak out without it and they’re the ones who end up being greedy. ppl love tianshan, ppl love zhanyi, ppl just want to see both their presences’ shown as the important role they are and many just don’t want to have one be a background to the other. it’s not hard nor unfair to understand. I really hope you guys try to look at every side as others and myself had, view things more broadly, and not just your own.
Aren't they a little too young for marriage?? Aren't they 15 and still in middle school? Wait, how long have they known each other for?? Aye but it's still cute though but just a little too soon.