my thing is why did you make this? You could have turned this into something beautiful, or atleast decent with how good your art is. Such as, The son is a good person and teaches uke self worth and how to not be dependent and then they have a nice a little love story, with mystery and drama behind creepy dad death and son taking over company. OR could have made son disgusted with the uke but slowly comes to i don't know, help him become dependent and fall in love. OR to hell with that family and a 3rd party character stumbles upon uke with the son and saves him and they help him with him self love all whilst trying to escape the sons weird obsession. All storylines very cliche but better than this 5 chapter mess of straight up abuse..

Her: "Hey so my parents don't love me and that's why i think you guys being gay is bad!"
Excuse me??? How do those two things show any correlation? I applaud the apology, but honestly it doesn't even matter because you couldn't be honest with yourself or with them on why you did not like them together. Instead of taking accountability you came up with a bullshit excuse for them to excuse your blatant homophobia. It's clear all you are is homophobic and you attempted to cover it up to make you look better. And what's worse is you had the audacity to end the apology with "i still can't support you" Not once did anyone ask for your opinion on two grown men's relationship. Her whole defense was "oh well i was different because my parents don't love me and your different because you like a guy, and it hurt to be different so i'm self projecting my insecurities onto you!" oddly enough those two things are not even in the same category. She clearly has trauma and in order to protect herself she thinks the ones she "cares" about need to fit her standards of "normal" so they won't hurt like she did, which is narcissistic. She's not doing it because she wants the best for them, she's doing it protect herself from anything different because of her fear. And all i have to say to that is ... cowardly and selfish. I do hope she works through that on her own and eventually owns up to herself being homophobic rather than using her trauma as an excuse to make other's conform based on her own feelings.
this just pmo