Why are they always hurting? I want butterflies and rainbows already _(._.)_
Mokwha come on now babe, you guys should talk about things properly don't just decide to hurt the other person because they hurt you. Be the bigger person and just walk away. Only, I don't want you to walk away I want happiness for you both (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Honestly couldn't bare if all three couples didn't have a good ending. I know that RINO and Jiseung need a lot of working on but I completely love them because they're both individually different from any type of couple I've ever come across and I completely appreciate their uniqueness. I hope that when they do get to have each other it will bring them happiness and also, change their impulsive and rude behaviours as both of them could possibly teach each other about different perspectives in the world; yk seeing as they both have contrasting backgrounds.
I love that they're so bad for everybody else but so good for each other. It's meant to be for real. I think because they're both whales it's difficult for them to understand decency and good human behavior so I don't blame them in any way for their failed characteristics. I love them and accept them
Omg fell in love with the story because of Mokhwa and Changkyung’s naive cute stupidity n being in love and I’m so blessed they got to figure it out in their own special way this is great development!!! (´ε` )♡