Was The first reincarnation manghwa I read and I wanted it to be top tier so bad but I lost my interest in it so long ago. Somebody please tell me if it’s worth picking up again

I don't know myself as I read it just recently, but I read just until ch 54 but I got really bored along the way so I jumped to ch 224, and I think the climax plot is finally showing.. so I think you can continue read it after your last chapter, or just the recently chapter. Because **I think** the recently chapt can cover the entire plot??
But well, maybe there are some **little plot** here and there on the other chapt as well.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

That the whole few years I was reading this I could never pick a side in the love triangle I just wanted them all to be happy. The author really decided to switch it up at the end though but I’m not complaining

Switch it up??? No. From start to end it was always Joohae. Haesoo never once showed any love for Taku: https://twitter.com/joohaes/status/1349878314912018433?s=21

lolll exactly though. Haesoo remembers how Joowon did all those things that made taku feel “special” first anyway. Honestly the author just made it so painfully clear that Haesoo was fully “no thoughts only joowon” through his time with Taku. It was the most clear in the chapter where Haesoo literally claims his night with taku was “perfect” but all his thoughts turn to joowon and how joowon is doing. Even in a seemingly perfect night he cant stop thinking about Joowon? The endgame is clear. And taehae’s relationship was always so one sided and pretty insincere. Haesoo’s heart never budged and even Taku went into the r/s trying to use Haesoo rather than actually loving him, so the author really didnt switch anything up.

ah yes the dubcon (⊙…⊙ ) i remember even taku stans being uncomfy by that last sex scene. As far as I can tell, Taku is usually very aware character of how Haesoo is feeling and the most SELF aware too. Which is the crappy part. Since he uses how perceptive he is to purposely take advantage of how HS feels a lot of the time, and says he’s a crappy person for it but doesnt try to change it. Anyway if this man is getting angry, thinking that Haesoo’s mind is totally elsewhere when he’s having sex with him, then he’s definitely right lol. It was a nail in the coffin kind of scene for their r/s for me lol
Anyone who fucks someone with an animal in the room is weird in my opinion. The dog became human and did what he saw. This was quite the journey, doggie should become independent and find a new person cause this isn’t it
Exactly man like the guy really did him wrong and didn't even think about his feelings seriously
Yup he needs to find a new owner or live as a independent human