NikkiG June 24, 2021 7:00 am

Yooo when he grabbed his knee I feel dumb cuz I thought it was his nipple lol. June 24, 2021 7:08 am

    Honestly same. I thought they were swollen or something from being pregnant and then I realized it's his knee LMAO

    NikkiG June 24, 2021 7:11 am


    High.monarch June 24, 2021 7:12 am

    I thought it was his baby bump tf HAHAHAHA

    Fujoshi Dakara Gomen June 24, 2021 7:27 am

    Me too⛈

NikkiG June 22, 2021 12:12 pm

I just wanna say everything aside like the authors art style is so pretty!! I was staring at ohns aunt for a good second like oooooo she pretty. I like the colors and the easygoing nature of everyone's face and the plump lips and ohns facial expressions. We're still on this manga but I cannot wait to see this authors future work.

NikkiG June 22, 2021 8:50 am

I can't read it cuz it's just not my cup of tea lol but I support y'all and the manga!

    Some generic weeb name June 22, 2021 10:10 am

    Fxxing finally. Someone who knows how to say they dont like a comic without being an asshole. Respect to you, Sir/mam/Fair Enby.

    NikkiG June 22, 2021 10:31 am

    Lol yea thank you I try to be open-minded so I can understand its not my place to judge others and argue because I don't necessarily agree with something. Hopefully other people who are being assholes will realize this too.

NikkiG June 18, 2021 1:00 pm

I like that yohan is a switch also why does yohans smile look so innocent and is opposite from his actions lol. It really throws me off

NikkiG June 12, 2021 10:36 am

I just wanna say jaehan slayed the tsundere with a tad bit of yandere role. He's probably the cutest tsundere ever like how he feels so deeply but it's hard for him to express it. I just want to jump in hug him squeeze his cheeks and be like it's alright.

NikkiG June 12, 2021 7:55 am

Chapter 48 y'all idk idk lol Ian and Raymond makes me so mad in this how Raymond is willing to hurt everyone around him to achieve his goal. How Ian is just willing to let him do this and be a side piece and be used all over again. Like he talks about Raymond saving him from the bardi people who were using his talent but Raymond only saved him to use him. I do have to give him the point that he didn't treat him physically bad like the bardis did though. But please please someone tell me does these problems get resolve cuz until I know I gotta take a break for my mental state.

    ... June 12, 2021 9:11 am

    It gets better! It'll be a happy and satisfying ending

    NikkiG June 12, 2021 10:37 am

    I hope so I'm finna jump back in I'm scared lol

NikkiG June 5, 2021 6:42 am

When did you tap out mine was at chapter 6 I skipped to the end though and was like eh whet? I think I was gonna be confused regardless cuz I skipped to the end but this seems like one of those mangas where the seme abuses the uke and then they try to be like yeah he did but it's cuz his past. The only way I would forgive a seme in a manga for forcing the uke is if he apologizes and means it and never does it again. Not if he says I like you and they give me a lil backstory on why the seme is hurt.

    lonelylittleflower June 5, 2021 9:47 pm

    I tapped out when he stole the mc girlfriend and then messed up something with the scholarships stuff and took the gym or whatever that whole issue was in the beginning. I don’t remember since I dropped it so long ago but I just saw it trending. It started off so fucked up that I didn’t want to see a relationship blossom after that shit he pulled in just the first few chapters.

    NikkiG June 5, 2021 11:55 pm

    I'm the same I started it some time ago then dropped it after he was raped but I actually forgot all about it and seen this was trending and was like hol up I read this before.

    Potatoreader June 6, 2021 3:31 am

    I literally tapped put at the first rape scene and ran to comments to see if everyone also hated it. I read the last chapter to see if he got revenge and was thoroughly disappointed

    NikkiG June 6, 2021 5:58 am

    :( I know it was bad

NikkiG June 2, 2021 7:03 am

This was my first time reading Yuri I really feel like I've accomplished something today.

NikkiG May 28, 2021 9:03 am

When Alex was saying if you're interested yadayadauada I was just like (〃゚3゚〃) screenshot

NikkiG May 26, 2021 4:45 am

Everyone takes these mangas wayyy too serious you would've thought these were actual people.

    RadioK0N May 26, 2021 5:01 am

    Art imitates life. If you can’t understand that this work of fiction is depicting real life situations, then you have no real clue of what’s going on in the world. This does happen irl. So yes, we are upset that he is forced to wear clothes he’s uncomfortable wearing and that the person who professes to love him is the one who is forcing him out of his selfishness and ignorance. Those who know understand. Those who don’t, respond just the way you do.

    aggravated seme May 26, 2021 8:38 am
    Art imitates life. If you can’t understand that this work of fiction is depicting real life situations, then you have no real clue of what’s going on in the world. This does happen irl. So yes, we are upset... RadioK0N


    NikkiG May 26, 2021 10:30 am

    First of all if you can't understand what I AM SAYING don't comment on my comment. Come correct or don't come at all. I'm saying that everyone is arguing in the comments and being rude and disrespectful to each other over a manga and its not even that serious in which they need to be cussing each other out.

    Second of all do you know where I stand on the matter? No you don't did I say "oh everyone needs to chill uke can do what he want" no I didn't. I said everyone needs to chill and stop arguing. I actually can understand why it's bad that the uke wanted the seme to change his looks for him and not caring or noticing how uncomfortable it was making the seme feel. Especially when you love someone you need to love them for who they are not who you want them to be and accept them as they are.

    Third of all I'mma say it for you again because people be slow. In my comment I'm simply talking about how dumb it is for people to be arguing over this when A. The issue will probably be resolved in the future of manga. B. If they don't like it they can just drop it. Or C. Which will surely show you how free minded I am everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    I literally found this book by searching up crossdressing seme in tag do you really think I came to see a regular guy.

    NikkiG May 26, 2021 10:44 am
    First of all if you can't understand what I AM SAYING don't comment on my comment. Come correct or don't come at all. I'm saying that everyone is arguing in the comments and being rude and disrespectful to each... NikkiG

    And I also wanna say something that i forgot is that I wasn't only talking about the seme and uke argument there were people arguing in the comments about the translators and their translation.

    RadioK0N May 26, 2021 11:56 am
    And I also wanna say something that i forgot is that I wasn't only talking about the seme and uke argument there were people arguing in the comments about the translators and their translation. NikkiG

    I never read all the comments as yours were the first one by the time I was done reading. You said, “you would’ve thought these were actual people”. That doesn’t sound like you’re talking about the comment section. The comments after yours were talking about the manga itself.

    I actually looked after and it wasn’t until the 2nd page that I saw those comments you speak of. I still didn’t make the correlation between what you wrote and their comments. No real context in what you wrote. So that epic novel you wrote going off, makes no sense to me at all.

    RadioK0N May 26, 2021 12:01 pm
    And I also wanna say something that i forgot is that I wasn't only talking about the seme and uke argument there were people arguing in the comments about the translators and their translation. NikkiG

    You mad cuz you got found out lol

    NikkiG May 26, 2021 5:52 pm

    I ain't go back on what I said "you would've thought they were actual people" is what I meant if you take it the way you took it then you take it that way. If I sent you my novel and explained my pov on it and you still don't understand then it's expected that you'll respond the way you do. What I'm tryna figure out is why my comment bothered you to the point you was like let me tell her something. Apparently I had you bothered first there were millions of comments that actually bashing the uke but you wanted to go off on mine? The one comment that don't even mention them. Also who are you you're saying I got mad cuz I got found out who am I getting found out by? Also I can gladly go back and screenshot the conversations I was talking about or maybe tag you in them. But sis go off you one of the people tryna argue in the comments. People don't understand ain't no reason to come at somebody rude on a website it's never that serious. Lol. I came at you the way you came at me.

    Again we all know this can be a representation of a real life situation but I think it's dumb to argue over a manga. You can have your opinion and I can have mine and we can keep it pushing.

    RadioK0N May 26, 2021 7:11 pm
    I ain't go back on what I said "you would've thought they were actual people" is what I meant if you take it the way you took it then you take it that way. If I sent you my novel and explained my pov on it and ... NikkiG

    Your comment made no sense for what you’re talking about. I normally don’t read comments but I saw yours (at the time was the latest comment) and decided to reply. I took your comment as “I don’t know why people have such strong feelings about the story when it’s just fictional characters”. If you honestly can’t understand why everyone is angry or taking it personal, maybe they themselves are cross dressers who’ve been in that situation or know someone that does or can just plainly see how wrong the situation is.

    Like you said, I’m entitled to my own opinion. I can comment on anyone’s comment if I choose to do so. If I weren’t allowed to, this platform wouldn’t have that feature. So with that being said, be clearer with your comments so nothing is left up to interpretation. Then you won’t have people like me, who’s seriously pissed at the same for his ignorance, see your comments and say to themselves “here goes another ignorant person”. Dude, I don’t know what filter you have for this comment section but not everyone is after your damn throat. Clear to you doesn’t equate to clear to everyone else. Bear that in mind.

    NikkiG May 26, 2021 8:10 pm

    How can I not understand why everyone is angry and I literally listed in my first response how the uke actions is wrong? What I can't understand is why everyone feels the need to argue about it. I already know you took my stuff in the wrong way that's why I explained what I was trying to say and all you did was try to analyze my answer and turn it into oh I'm so ignorant because Im dismissing real problems that someone goes through. There's always a way to approach someone I see people say all the time I acknowledge what you're saying but well I don't agree because of this and that. You commented on my comment basically calling me ignorant and saying I don't understand the matter and I'm part of the problem. And i don't think everyone is after my throat. You have the right to reply to w.e. you want to but you could stand to be more educational and professional about it. If you would've just explained where you're coming from without trying to get smart I would've just replied like oh I understand I didn't mean it like that from my comment and we could've been like ok w.e.

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