Bad translation. I'm grateful that your translating and shouldn't complain because it's a illegal site but sometimes you can't read shit . There no story at all because of the translation
Cotton candy, madagascar , strawberry, cookies and cream, blueberry cheesecake
Adopt kittens. They will keep you entertained
guys please recommend shit to do before i die from boredom
Tell her that you like this other guy or make up a fake boyfriend so she might back down but don't lead her on
Honestly sometimes side characters are so much more better than the mc. I even prefer side couples too ten times more entertaining and likable then mc/ml
Bro i always get the how to grow dicks with a pill ads and then show dicks which is the size of a third leg
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Let me know
Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it
And we start real slow
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go
People who are asking, she's pearl. She's very misogynist, transphobic etc
today morning for some reason i kept getting red pill creators and oh my god i dont think i have hated a woman as much as pearl. if anyone here supports her i would literally try to track u down and sit u down for a 10 hour lecture (i cant but i would want to).
23 11,2023