Is it just me or the mangaka's depiction of the people is that they're illiterate and savages?
I haven't seen any good side of the people, they talk in scribbles, they seem barbaric..
There are good things that were shown about the Philippines like the scenery, the dances... But there was no hospitality,
Okay, did I just witnessed an embarrassed Bakugo when All Might complimented him???
Will Midoriya's team win???
Will we see any character development on Mineta now that he is at the scene??
The fact that Gran Torino called All Might out of the blue isn't it already suspicious??
What is the Gigantomachia thingy?
I think it came out on the last chapters but wasn't fully introduced or am I wrong???
And the fact that AFO's younger brother was mentioned, the first wielder of One-for-All????
He can hear his younger brother? Don't tell me he ate his younger brother???
And who's the one that guarded AFO???
And that, ladies and gents, is what you call another story arc
I swear, please tell me that I'm not intoxicated while reading this?!!?! I'm freaking dying of laughter!!!