Starlight July 24, 2023 11:58 pm

yeonwoo needs to grow up. idc if he's shy or whatever. being shy doesnt equal not asking for help when you're in danger. he's been friends w these ppl for so long and after all the back to back drama he's still scared to ask for help? it was fine at first but it makes 0 sense now. every arc he's like "i need to rely on my friends and be better for haesol. i cant walk away from my problems" and does the same thing next arc. the whole story is a repeating cycle. i keep reading to see development between yeonwoo and haesol, but looks like it'll be 200 more chapters before that happens

    Athena July 29, 2023 7:05 am

    I get where your coming from but yeonwoo has been like this his whole life. Also I've read the raws so the reason why Acts the way he does and it seems like he is at a stand still is very valid l. Plus he is getting better. He's communicating with heasool a lot better. You also have to realize that yeonwoo is tramatized. A tramatized person is not going to be able to get better just because the people around them are nice. Yes it will help but it will take a long time to do so because of how severe the trama is.

    Haesool also does not communicate with yeonwoo because of her lack of her own emotional awareness. Which makes it so that she can't understand other people's emotions unless they tell her or they are experiencing negative emotions.

    This is a problem of two tramatized people not talking to each other and then having there own valid reasons as to why. Yeoawoo because his trama runs very deep and haesool because she is severely emotionally numb.

    Moonpie July 30, 2023 4:08 pm

    I get the frustration but as someone with the same amounts of anxiety as he has, it was really hard to reach out for help when things get tough, even when you know you have people who can help you. That's just how bad cases of it are for some. It took me years to snap myself out of overthinking and people often told me the same, "grow up" but it's not that easy, it fakes a lot of work and rn, Yeonwoo hasn't had the good snap of reality he needs yet to see how badly his anxieties and trauma effects how he responds to situations.

    Zinira July 30, 2023 11:39 pm
    I get the frustration but as someone with the same amounts of anxiety as he has, it was really hard to reach out for help when things get tough, even when you know you have people who can help you. That's just ... Moonpie

    Exactly. Just because he has friends who are supportive does not mean that all the trauma he's gone through is going to go away just like that.that's not how trauma works it's going to take a very long time for him to overcome the trauma and I'm happy that it's being portrayed in a realistic light and not in a way that's like oh because I fall in love with you all of my mental problems are alleviated. That isn't how real life works and although it can be frustrating at times it's real. I don't have experience with anxiety but I can 100% understand how bad it can really get when he has had to go through what he has had to go through.

Starlight July 22, 2023 7:34 pm

theres just drama after drama and no plot progression or development. its really annoying. but for some reason i cant stop reading ( ̄∇ ̄")

Starlight July 22, 2023 7:25 pm

im mad that she decided to defend her. she needs to get dogged and dragged for that. she was exposing them for cheating to everybody watching the show, so why is it bad when someone ate the school says doesnt make sense to me

tea time July 23, 2021 10:44 pm

stop posting ass translations and linking your crappy site

tea time July 23, 2021 5:38 am

did they make any progress? i just wanna know if there was any like drastic changes so ik to read again. last time i read this mc met up with makeup removers "friend"(lady in orange sweater)

tea time July 22, 2021 7:09 pm

does anybody know any other webtoons similar to this

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