you just know taegun is gonna regret not killing him now
Subpar software dev with a love for love stories.
Born to be in the arts, forced to be in STEM
Fave work right now is Unsleep
I think compassion is a dwindling trait in this world. It would be nice if it was more encouraged but there is no reward for it.
"can we really continue like this" ............... man shut the fuck up
taekyung attempting suicide is not the story progression i expected or wanted
the boob on this manhwa's cover draws me in like a moth to a flame
more of baby ML skittering on the floor like a bug please
i hate how much this story reminded me of living at home with my mom. to be clear, she never sexually abused me. but she intentionally designed my life so that i had no freedom. so that i would be forced to stay by her side, despite how insufferable and overbearing she was. i wanted to kill myself so bad... i constantly daydreamed about dying, i tried a few times but lacked the courage (+ a sharp knife) to follow through. i particulaly relate to the sense of aimlessness he developed in later chapters... the desire to drown everything out because reality is too painful...
with that said, i find the ending of this story incredibly revolting... he sacrificed everything to escape his abuser, only to come back because he lacks the strength to start anew. and then it just ends with a pithy "this is probably a bad idea". extending a huge, heartily felt f*ck you to the writer, who i hope has never been in an abusive relationship. because if they wrote this ending knowing how it feels to be completely at the mercy of a cruel and unstable human being... it's unforgivable that they wrote him going back.
read the whole thing in one sitting... imo the only reasonable ending would be MC murder-suiciding himself and blondie.
i feel slightly relieved that the author didn't redeem anything or try to throw in a weak 'chasing' arc, i'm real tired of that shit. abuse is intolerable, no amount of groveling can repair the damage it leaves
the salvation spirit looks like a goofy little guy
i'm completely uninterested in the smut in this series
it's really disgusting that kim dan is inevitably going to get back together with someone that abused him. no amount of groveling could make up for the wanton physical and emotional abuse that JK perpetuated, and would continue to perpetuate if allowed
that was the most touching creators note i've ever read
actually might drop this series because andrew's turbo penis is freaking me out
ending with the realtor conversation is so anti climatic
he looks more like a small buggy critter than a human baby