Yall keep crying about Yurion, bro looks ghetto af, sorry not sorry. The age gap isnt the prob at all, somes just over exaggerate it lol. The hardest part to read is when Mint was in her rebellious age, homegirl be doing dumb things like going to the casino, dating a broke ass fvck boy who’s a baby daddy of another girl. She’s doing all this just becuz she thinks Julius (duke) still viewed her as a child. @@ anw pretty good story tho.

I love the power system of World Trigger a lot, also, the way every female chars get chances to shine. (*ᴗˬᴗ)ꕤ*.゚
Anyway, Ss1 Osamu gets on my fk nerve!
Every time he’s on screen, im rage hard. Ik he’s supposed to build like THAT, matter of fact, i still cant stand him (dont @ me defending him). At least he’s getting a lil bit better in the recent chapters (thank god). Osamu is the 13 reasons why people dropping World Trigger and cant keep up to the end of the series.
I sympathize for Erna but also pity her! I hate every panel where she goes “KYA” *blushing* (literally every goddam time) whenever she’s with that dickhead Bjorn.
Wanna say she’s stupid and blind as fuck, yet, force to say she’s an innocent girl who yearns for love and a victim of the society.