nah i’d be HELLA mad if i was the pig bro ur telling me i have to touch that THING n then be turned into bacon the next day?? kill me now bruh
from the moment mc stepped into that house it was clear to her that no one liked her besides her sister, she lived her ENTIRE life around ppl who disliked her for no reason n the only person who showed her kindness was her sister, she was still her saving grace in that household even if it was all fake. it’s also hard to separate the family from their past and present lives, a question like “how long is it gonna take them to turn their backs and take my sisters side?” is always going to be in her head after the experiences in her last life n that’s COMPLETELY normal. even if she comes to understand that they were brainwashed, it doesn’t erase what her family did to her. trust needs to be built, one or two big actions of kindness won’t make mc suddenly trust the family, it can take YEARS to build trust. it might even take longer for her, because the girl who she trusted the most (her sister) ended up betraying her
YOU might want revenge but ur not the mc stop reading if u expect mc to be some vengeful psychopath villain mastermind after everything she’s gone thru
the mc is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere after hurting emi don’t even think abt it GIRL
the mc is like oh nonononono ur not getting off scot free don’t even think abt it GIRL
the gang is like oh nonononono ur not going to sell off an underage girl don’t even think abt it GIRL
the other guy is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the og dad is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere with my daughter don’t even think abt it GIRL
the mc is like oh nonononono ur not cheating on my daughter don’t even think abt it GIRL
cirrus is like oh nonononono i’m not korean anymore don’t even think abt it GIRL
the mls are like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
thank u to the commenter below i forgot who tf this was
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL
the ml is like oh nonononono ur not going anywhere don’t even think abt it GIRL