zy5knn created a topic of Paper Flower

why this bitch turn into a snapping turtle when he smile don’t do that again

yk what this is so wrong of me but i genuinely hope ciel treats her like shit after they get together bc what is this girl he is not being rizzfulness he is HARASSING u god let someone brainwash him into acting like a horrible person please please please let no one but morgan be happy please kill everyone off but morgan he didnt do anything wrong

zy5knn created a topic of Aitsu no Daihonmei

cant lie this my guilty pleasure

don’t name ur shit “the maid no longer desires her master” when the maid does in fact forgive her master n still desire him in the end

zy5knn created a topic of Beyond Memories

i hate ml down to his core he’s honestly disgusting along with everyone else too so what if u went back in time n now u treat him good that doesn’t erase ur past n what u did to mc rn all it looks like to me is ml trying to relieve his past guilt like do u even a conscience buddy u literally abused him to the point of suicide its legit so unfair that mc doesn’t have his memories back too in their second life ofc he’s obviously gonna fall in love with ml n that just irks me bc the ml who pulled all that is so easily forgiven since mc conveniently doesn’t remember shit

zy5knn answered question about question

please please please let mc heal the grandpa if he dies i’ll die he’s so fine

zy5knn created a topic of Be, Be

wdym bruh they didn't even let him decide if he WANTED to marry the mf who followed him to his house n started diddling him halfway n then the diddler being like “erm! if u suddenly back out the media will harass u n everyone close to u!!!! can u rlly take that..!?!??” is so peculiar bruh no way ur using the media ur dad sent to force lil bro into marrying u that’s another level of insane that’s not rizzfulness good sir that’s called being a weirdo like yup if i was mc i wouldve been hanging from the ceiling before we even got to double digit chaps

zy5knn like the answer
i love this question anyways this child diddler bruh u pushing 60 fucking a lil teenage boy i hope this inbred fuck dies why do u have romantic feelings for ur sister UR NASTYY final boss of child diddling ugly stupid useless bald egg makes me wanna kms i need them to bring back public execution js for this mf looking at him gives me cancer ......
zy5knn answered question about question
zy5knn created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

i think 24 chaps is enough u can stop writing now no one is forcing u to write its ok at least ur good at drawing lots of love

zy5knn answered question about question
i love this question anyways this child diddler bruh u pushing 60 fucking a lil teenage boy i hope this inbred fuck dies why do u have romantic feelings for ur sister UR NASTYY final boss of child diddling ugly stupid useless bald egg makes me wanna kms i need them to bring back public execution js for this mf looking at him gives me cancer ......
zy5knn created a topic of The couple breaker

why does kyungmo legit think he’s him

zy5knn created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

i’m too dumb for ts idk what’s even happening every chap i go ‘huh’ it’s not a writing problem it’s a me problem

zy5knn created a topic of Lily of the Valley

im sensing lilys childhood rn.. she was dropped at least 30 times as a kid

zy5knn created a topic of Big Apple

am i dumb or missing smth why is everything js glazing over the fact that the fuckass dragon lady and that red hair leprechaun FREAK pulled all that shit n made so many ppl suffer just to walk away scot free? where are the SEND THEM TO THE GUILLOTINE-esque comments?? BURN THOSE EVIL WITCHES!!! ABSOLUTE HEATHENS!!!! TOMATO TOMATO!!!!!

no bc why she not gaf abt morgan she levitating up there like “uhhhh yeah don’t hurt him ig”

zy5knn created a topic of Palace of Bardo

i dont even dislike ml the mf who i hate the most is the purple hair space bun fuck the i wish mc didnt give ml his hair in exchange for not killing ppl so this little stupid prick could die faster sorry not sorry i don’t know why i fucking hate her but i genuinely hope her entire bloodline is cursed

is it js me i do not gaf abt blonde ceo or eunha this chap was such a snoozefest