I'll give up my hope that this story has a happy ending
WAHAHAHA thats what u get if u keep touching his things, poor Myeongil
noo Myeongil, don't open it its for ur own good baby
Bro acting like he doesn't want to do it but ended up to go for it.... Tf what happened to "I'm sorry Kim Dan for acting like a piece of shit" .... mother f!!!
Jaekhyung literally does anything for Dan to get back except to apologize
Jingi keeps covering myeongil face cuz his reaction makes him more sexy
Broo act like asshle but inside he just want a hug my boyy Jingii such a cutie
after I saw his smile..... Umm I think I can fix him HAHAHAHjk
Well... seeing your partner having sex with another woman in your OWN house and realizing that the man loves you so much grow into a piece of shit
ps:that flower lady annoyed me sm, just mind ur own business gurll!!
Who's that manhwa character(male), that everyone likes but you don't??
The only thing Byul got from his mother are the blonde hair, eyes and the temper but not Hyesung math skill
Hyunwoo is a 10/10
-he will protect u
-has a good style
-he smells good
-has a nice body
those adorable creatures just save his ass, better luck next time HAHAHAH