Ms. Oh created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

I'll give up my hope that this story has a happy ending

Ms. Oh created a topic of Slammer Dogs

WAHAHAHA thats what u get if u keep touching his things, poor Myeongil

Ms. Oh created a topic of Slammer Dogs
Ms. Oh created a topic of Slammer Dogs

noo Myeongil, don't open it its for ur own good baby

Ms. Oh created a topic of Jinx

Bro acting like he doesn't want to do it but ended up to go for it.... Tf what happened to "I'm sorry Kim Dan for acting like a piece of shit" .... mother f!!!

Ms. Oh created a topic of Jinx

Jaekhyung literally does anything for Dan to get back except to apologize

Ms. Oh created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Jingi keeps covering myeongil face cuz his reaction makes him more sexy

Ms. Oh created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Broo act like asshle but inside he just want a hug my boyy Jingii such a cutie

Ms. Oh created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

after I saw his smile..... Umm I think I can fix him HAHAHAHjk

Ms. Oh created a topic of High School Boy

Damnn they make a good couple

Ms. Oh created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

Well... seeing your partner having sex with another woman in your OWN house and realizing that the man loves you so much grow into a piece of shit

ps:that flower lady annoyed me sm, just mind ur own business gurll!!

Ms. Oh asked a question

Who's that manhwa character(male), that everyone likes but you don't??

Ms. Oh answered question about question
Ms. Oh created a topic of A well known love affair

this is the kind of man I want to marry

The only thing Byul got from his mother are the blonde hair, eyes and the temper but not Hyesung math skill

Ms. Oh created a topic of High School Boy

Hyunwoo is a 10/10
-he will protect u
-has a good style
-he smells good
-has a nice body

Ms. Oh created a topic of Swallow You Whole

those adorable creatures just save his ass, better luck next time HAHAHAH