Mixivivi_ created a topic of Fightless Bird

its a short read and the story is interesting I do think it would've worked better if it was a bit longer maybe even 40 or so chapters cause the relationship between the tow is fascinating I wish the author took more time to flesh them out but its a short read so id recommend if unconventional romance is ur thing

Mixivivi_ add 1 photos to bruh
Mixivivi_ created a topic of Sympathy Killer

This was so stupid lol ( ̄へ ̄)

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Seme who rapes the uke and don't stop even when they say no, many times Seme is a piece of shit and did awful things to the uke but ends up with him anyway Female characters written as bitches, wants the seme to themselves and is awful to the uke Seme calls uke wife instead of husband if they're married Seme blackmails uke Uke looking l......