True Education
ahahauahauaha funny discipline teacher ahahaha beat the students funny
okay so I haven't read all of the chapters mainly because its not thaat interesting, sure its funny and nice to see bullies get beat up but - thats like all that there is, or at least all that I've seen so far. If you like comedy with a lot of beating-up-students-jutsu this is for you
Say Ah, the Golden Spoon is Entering
This webtoon is super cute, and I really like that the fl is assertive and confident instead of being a dansle in distress or whatever they call it. I still think that the plot line of this webtoon is a heavily overused one, but that doesn't really mean it's terrible. Bvkdjd I hope to see new chapters soon
I Am a Zombie
there are only 2 chapters, sadly. But I really liked the art and plot, the idea of a zombie who has the thought process of a human in a world full of brainless zombies is kinda sad, but still a great idea &$*# If my memory serves me, in the last chapter Mr. zombie found a fellow human minded zombie, so I hope I'll be able to see a relationship bloom between them!
I saw in the comments that the author had dropped it, but I really hope that's not true;;
The Princess in the Dumpster
Beware of the Villainess!
The Story of the Hated Mule
heqgqkgaejsdgjsfjdggdktokgfktekethkwfhwkrhkgdwsvkgdajfsfjfadjvsdvjwrfwjdfsjfsgjheqgqkgaejsdgjsfjdggdktokgfktekethkwfhwkrhkgdwsvkgdajfsfjfadjvsdvjwrfwjdfsjfsgjheqgqkgaejsdgjsfjdggdktokgfktekethkwfhwkrhkgdwsvkgdajfsfjfadjvsdvjwrfwjdfsjfsgjdbvdghjegetejgtjeejtheqgqkgaejsdgjsfjdggdktokgfktekethkwfhwkrhkgdwsvkgdajfsfjfadjvsdvjwrfwjdfsjfsgjfhnyrngndeymyketskatjtsjgsjsfjsgjgkskgdjdgfkhfhksqetkargkaryketjwtjsfngznfabbfssfbzfjsfjfsjgdkdgkngdgbfzbsfjdghdgdv sgndfjgsnsfcbdgngzgnd
Lightning Degree
I really enjoyed reading this webtoon, it's just so adorable man :)) I really hope that ygret will rely on his spirits more, and won't feel as guilty as he does for asking for the spirits help
No Way, Vampires Don't Exist