i think the hottest character so far is Bael (i think that's his name, he's the demon who wants to buy fritz) but i also think the Suiran is super hot! (the guy who wants to have sex with Fritz, i think he is a Bonsai tree?) i want to see a sex seen with Suiran and Fritz so bad!! *_*
Who do you think is the hottest character?

Overall, i think the manga was ok, would have been way better if the pairing was inagawaXarisawa! :/ i mean it was so misleading in the beginning! all the kisses he got from inagami, their half-way sex scene! TT^TT i wan't those two together so bad!! T3T
But inagawa with yuriko(i think thats her name) wasn't bad either, their babies were effing adorable!!! <3

So in the end, was it God or Jesus who made the miracle? i mean Judas asked Jesus the favour, then everything went all sparkly, so do you guys think it was Jesus that Shirasagi and Judas were both talking too? a little confused, but i really like the manga :)

Well, if we get into technicalities, Jeasus and God is one person. So, in a way, they both were the ones who did it. Judas asked Jesus for the favor cause he was whom he was in love with, but he was probably aware it was going to work out because he knew he was asking god at the same time. Its a bit hard to understand really.
Though, Im guessing that's what the mangaka was going for, cause the whole manga is sticks well enough to the bible, while 'angel and demon' themed mangas and stories tend to be very loosely based off religion.
That... was a big rant, im sorry...

I think naona bohra has a really unique art style, her characters don't all look the same, and give off a different feel to them.
But i must say, i think Takamasa is a new character style! He gives off such a different feeling than any other chracter naona bohra has drawn before (must be his hairstyle and beard xD)! i was so thrilled while reading this manga, seeing how she would depicts takamasa!!!
naona bohra is one of my fave artists!~~ and of course, Just love these oneshots!~

I actually came across the drama CD on youtube first (and omg its suuper hot! you hear all the sounds and everything >3<) and weeks after, i accidentally stumbled upon this manga, but i wasn't expecting a sex scene from this manga, i mean its labeled as "shounen ai" but them as i was reading it....i recognized the speech bubbly conversation from the sex scene and the dialogue from the drama CD....and i was shocked in silence with the biggest grin on my face. ;) ahah soooo if anyone is searching for the drama CD, search on youtube, "YAOI BL drama Cd 33" and you will find it (hopefully). well....enjoy~~ ^3^

thanks for the info about the drama cd!
its super hot and sexy!! >.<
you even get another extra round in the drama cd!!!!
twice the smex, twice the fun!!
This DJ was seriously really cute!!~ omg possessive Kuro was adorable~ and seeing bunny get jealous ehhe *3*
really liked it! one of my faves :)