I'm gonna need whatever she's on because ain't no way I'll sleep like that unless I'm drugged
Horny grip
I've never laughed this hard at a Chapter about chaining someone up in a basement. I just can't with these two it's so chaotic
Love it
Love the stylus pfo
Ahh the Sylus pfp took me out, I feel like I'm like a wife caught simping on other man (I'm not)
Aww ty
Lol. I love this mam sm I don't mind being a simp lol
Lol same, he's really hot
I can't read this seriously. It's so unhinged. I love it
Just started this and Damnn Bon is more delusional than i am
Omo omo they are back
As i said before, This is so fucked up. I love it
This is so fucked up. I love it
I'm gonna need whatever she's on because ain't no way I'll sleep like that unless I'm drugged