custard created a topic of A Terrible Romance

this really is a terrible romance…… the black haired seme is rotten to the core, does he even love mc?

i feel like i should be compensated just for reading this.. the art is good but the story sucks

custard created a topic of Be Delicious!


custard created a topic of Bird Cage

sex while the kids are missing is wild

custard created a topic of The Bagel Is Too Much

seme cries a lot…. #-.-)

custard created a topic of Corrosive

love shuttle made me forget how batshit crazy this author is

custard created a topic of Flower of the Sun

i need a kings maker type rebellion on laurent omg

the seme should just explain.. ┗( T﹏T )┛ the uke overthinks a lot which makes sense from him being cheated on..

custard created a topic of The Foul
custard created a topic of Salvation Spirit


custard created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

so good that im dying.. whens the next chapter ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

custard created a topic of Risky Vice

all i could think reading is ab how much this reminds me of the mafia stuff i read on wattpad in 2019-2020 LOLLLLL

custard created a topic of Between us (Noru)

hhahaha instead of just dragging these characters personalities so far i forget their original ones maybe an epilogue should be made

custard created a topic of Short Stories by Euja

okay the weird ending of the first one was bad enough, the even weirder random basically plotless porn in the second one was worse, and the rape followed with a “second chance” in the third one really topped it off for me… jesus christ

custard created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

the tits not being sized proportionally to the rest of his body is bothering me so much but BESIDES THAT…….. NATSUKI…… Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

custard created a topic of Corrosive

i like the twink better than rapist ml

custard created a topic of Just Twilight


custard created a topic of To deny the route

HAPPY TO SEE KARYAN !!!!! ITS BEEN A WHILE but also whys ilya casually telling jerry hes having dreams ab him thats crazy

custard created a topic of To deny the route

him turning the sensation all the way down to 0 all the time is so dangerous … he could break his arm and wouldnt even notice ….