I don’t really see why Doha should be getting mad at the teacher. I mean how is it the teacher’s fault, no, what exactly is the teacher’s fault for him to be saying “don’t stir ——- up” CONSIDERING that the teacher probably rejected mc then there’s no fault of the teacher. Mc’s the one who likes the teacher. The teacher’s just being a teacher…well I guess? it would have been a problem if the teacher had known ANY signs of mc liking him and yet he still went out his way to hang out with him knowing that mc likes him, leading him on and then rejecting mc, THEN Doha has all the right to be mad, but considering that the teacher had no idea…idk man, Doha should get another love interest, (that dude that Doha doesn’t like seems a good option) and well Mc….ima get bashed for this but at some point I had hoped for him to end up with the teacher after graduating or something.
Y’all didn’t get my point and it shows, I’m just saying that Doha DOESNT deserve mc, Doha deserves another love interest who isn’t all up on someone else, not saying that mc is all up on the teacher but I’m sure mc won’t just stop liking the teacher for quite a while and that will probably break Doha’s heart. I love Doha, he’s my favourite character and he shouldn’t get his heart broken by someone who only is/will half heartedly love him. They’re still at school so no matter how much Mc might wanna start over, the teacher will always be there in his sight which isn’t a good thing cause he’ll still be holding on to his past love.