I hope that reported di s in a fire. Also, quick side note, why does best boyz look so friggin young? They looked like they aged back to 1 years old or smthn
I think because they are young. As far as we know, 3 out 5 are still minors (bc they call the 19-year-old baekhyun "hyung"). Maybe the art is just trying to reflect that
I'm not being a hater, but I'm really not fond of Sunbi's appearance for some reason. I feel like the artist is trying to make him look cute in a way but it's just not working
I did not expect that refreshing ahh smile from such a normally aloof looking dude. I can't say I hate it tbh. His eyes remind me of Hamin but the smile is Eunho from PLAVE lmao
I hope that reported di s in a fire. Also, quick side note, why does best boyz look so friggin young? They looked like they aged back to 1 years old or smthn
I think because they are young. As far as we know, 3 out 5 are still minors (bc they call the 19-year-old baekhyun "hyung"). Maybe the art is just trying to reflect that