Kiterunner95 March 15, 2018 9:25 pm

Chapter 60 here:

Junseo's classmate calls out to him saying someone has come to see him. Jaewon cheerfully waves hello. Junseo thinks its been a while since they wore their spring uniforms? Jaewon says something about their spring uniforms and their school being cold? He then asks Junseo if he could borrow his history textbook. Junseo gets a bit irritated/angry since Jaewon is always borrowing his textbooks and asks Jaewon if he thinks of him as a bookstore? Jaewon asks why Junseo is angry since he's gonna lend him the textbook anyways. Junseo gives Jaewon the textbook and then tells him he also needs to return the gym clothes he borrowed from him. Jaewon leaves and Junseo leans against the door frame and thinks what the hell? The scene changes, Jaewon is sitting on his desk playing a game on his Nintendo DS. Yoonsung calls his name, puts his hand around Jaewon's shoulder and asks what game he is playing. Jaewon doesn't look too pleased and tells Yoonsung he told him before not to touch him like that. Yoonsung says he wants to do it and asks Jaewon why not? He then starts tickling Jaewon's shoulders. Jaewon starts laughing in response and Yoonsung says this reaction out of him is fun. Jaehee sees them and asks what they are doing. Yoonsung replies he's tickling Jaewon. Jaewon asks if Yoonsung could stop. Jaehee cheerfully responds that he'll do it too. Jaewon asks what, then Jaehee lifts Jaewon's leg and starts tickling his foot. Jaewon starts laughing again and Jaehee comments on Jaewon having a good day? Yoonsung replies that Jaewon has a lot of weaknesses. Jaewon asks Jaehee to stop in between his fits of laughter. Karam calls out to Jaehee and tells him the teacher is calling him to the office? Jaehee replies that Karam doesn't feel good about his classmates? idk. Jaewon feels embarrassed about having Karam see him like this. Jaehee walks off and says oh it's just him. Jaewon takes Yoonsung's hands off his shoulders while Karam regards him with a slightly irritated expression? He tells Jaewon that he's being too noisy nowadays and leaves. Jaewon is shocked while Yoonsung thinks this is an interesting reaction from Karam. Karam slides the classroom door close behind him, he looks downcast? Hana cheerfully approaches Karam and asks him what's wrong since his face is red. Karam puts his hand to his face and says he must be going crazy since he's feeling jealous. The scene changes, Jaewon has a serious expression on his face. He's thinking no way will he let things continue like this? Yoonsung calls out to him and says they should go home together. Jaewon shouts that he won't go home together with him and runs away. Jaewon thinks its a success that he evaded Yoonsung's advances and then he sees Junseo walking down the hallway. He intentionally rams into Junseo's back to get his attention. Junseo spins around with a pissed expression while Jaewon cheerfully says they should go home together. Jaewon is thinking he wants to keep things with Junseo as they are. Junseo is walking ahead of Jaewon while Jaewon is talking to him about Karam? Junseo tells him he isn't listening since he doesn't like hearing Jaewon talking with him about Karam. Jaewon tries to awkwardly change the subject and asks since he didn't return Junseo's gym clothes yet if he's angry at him? Junseo says what with a slightly pissed expression? Jaewon looks a bit flustered/panicked and says he'll return it to him now at his house while dragging Junseo with him by his arm. They arrive at Jaewon's house. Jaewon's mom smiles and asks Jaewon if he brought a friend home with him. Junseo politely says hello. They both head on up to Jaewon's room. Jaewon asks Junseo if they want to play any of the games he has. Jaewon tells Junseo to sit down and that he washed the gym clothes yesterday but it still hasn't dried yet. Jaewon asks if he's hungry and that he'll go down to get some food with a slightly nervous expression? Junseo gets up, just as Jaewon is about to open the door to head out, Junseo pulls a kabedon to stop him from leaving. Jaewon looks a bit shocked? surprised? While Junseo leans and asks what is he doing? idk exactly what he says here.

    Paoale March 15, 2018 6:29 am

    Thank you very much for your summaries and of course, for your time <3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Anonymous March 15, 2018 12:21 pm

    Thanks :)
    So maybe Junseo is about to confess but Jaewon wants them to be only friends because the only one he likes is karam?

    Lucy In The Sky March 15, 2018 1:20 pm

    It seems like Jaewon is going to get distracted and miss his chance with Karam. But who can blame Jaewon for being distracted at this point? He's not realizing his feelings for Junseo. I think we all know their relationship is bound to escalate in some strange ways...obviously. Thanks for the summary!

Kiterunner95 March 2, 2018 4:29 am

I'm in need of some recs with an art style and atmosphere similar to Unripened Expression. Dasadanan is the only one that immediately comes to mind for me, but I would like to know if there are any others.

    Echo March 2, 2018 5:37 am

    Perhaps you could check out The Best Smell? It has a more comedic vibe though.

    Baragaki March 2, 2018 2:36 pm

    I second The Best Smell.
    And I'd also suggest Guang Xiang :)

    weewee hole March 2, 2018 11:35 pm
    I second The Best Smell. And I'd also suggest Guang Xiang :) Baragaki

    both of those are sooo good
    guang xiang made me cry so many times AAA

    Ultimate_Fujoshi_Trash March 2, 2018 11:39 pm

    I agree with the best smell, but also maybe 'Sign Language'?

Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 3:19 am

Jaewon has his hands clasped together and is in deep thought about where Karam's new seat might be. He hopes that it won't be to far away from his. Unfortunately Karam is seated across at the other end of the room. Sitting next to Jaewon now is Yoonsung. Yoonsung smiles says he's glad to be sitting next to him this time. Hana says something to the class, idk what. Jaewon keeps sneaking glances at Karam. Yoonsung says his name, Jaewon is supposed to be working with him on an assignment. Yoonsung shows him his work since Jaewon didn't do his. Jaewon says thanks. He asks Yoonsung how much they need to write. Yoonsung stares at Jaewon's hands and comments on his skin? then touches Jaewon's arm. Jaewon flinches and pulls his arms away and asks Yoonsung what he means by that. Yoonsung says he's overreacting? Jaewon tells Yoonsung he's must be still teasing him. Yoonsung says he's not kidding. Jaewon says whatever and not to touch him like that again. Yoonsung plays innocent and asks Jaewon what last time? Jaewon whispers something to Yoonsung? and Yoonsung asks if he want him to do it again? to which Jaewon flushes red in response. Jaewon protests and says that's not it. Hana catches them not working and says she'll give the both of them a warning. Jaewon says tells Yoonsung that he'll get angry if he does that again. Yoonsung cheerfully asks Jaewon how he's gonna get angry. Karam stares at the two of them from across the room during their exchange. Yoonsung notices Karam staring and smiles at him. Karam looks away and clenches his pen and unintentionally draws a scribble line on his assignment in frustration? Junseo receives a text from Jaewon saying he's depressed at having to change seats away from Karam. Junseo replies good and Jaewon says what? Junseo says he'll tell him later since he's in class.

    Anonymous March 1, 2018 8:09 am

    Thank you!!!
    so Jaewon still likes Karam, Karam now likes him so why drag this still on? If after almost 60 chapters the only one that the MC likes is still Karam and doesn't seem to be interested in the others, i don't see the point to go on unless in the next chapters we don't see Jaewon starting to get interested in someone else.....what do you think guys?

    Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 8:55 am
    Thank you!!!so Jaewon still likes Karam, Karam now likes him so why drag this still on? If after almost 60 chapters the only one that the MC likes is still Karam and doesn't seem to be interested in the others,... @Anonymous

    I feel there's plenty left to explore with all the relationships. I just have a feeling the Junseo's former boyfriend? might show up again at some point. Once Karam and Jaewon formally start dating, will Yoonsung and Junseo give up?

Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 3:18 am

Summer vacation ends, Jaewon is waiting at the bus stop. He went to bed late and missed the earlier bus. He remembers he confessed to Karam. He yawns. The bus arrives and he gets on, its really crowded. Yoonsung sees him from the back and beckons Jaewon to come over. Jaewon trips and Yoonsung grabs his hand telling him to be careful. Jaewon pulls his hand back and says thank you. Yoonsung says something? Jaewon wonders why its always like this and thinks himself an idiot. They walk into class together. Jaehee appears and he's really tanned. Jaewon is surprised since he wasn't like that only 2 days ago. Jaehee tells him he spent the last two days at the beach. Hana and Karam enter the classroom. Hana tells everyone to take their seats. Karam sees Jaewon and they say hi to each other. Jaewon says he can see Karam everyday now while looking down and blushing. Karam says that's good while looking away blushing. The teacher tells everyone to quiet down and says they will be changing seats. Jaewon is shocked since things are going so well between him and Karam now. He thinks it's unfair while laying down on his desk. He sees Karam doing the same. Karam says to Jaewon that he doesn't want to change seats. Jaewon flushes red when he hears that and says he doesn't want to either. They look at each other like this while lying on their desks and Jaewon hopes that time has stopped. Yoonsung looks at them with a bit of a frustrated? impatient? miffed?
expression. He wonders if they have kissed yet? and thinks that would be foul play? idk. Jaehee sees them and asks Yoonsung why they are facing each other. Yoonsung tells him its a staring contest.

Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 3:21 am

Karam hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jaewon wonders what does the hug mean in context of wishing him a happy birthday. Karam asks how has he been. Jaewon sees Karam's face and looks away blushing. Karam laughs and says he just wants to talk to Jaewon. Jaewon points at his face and says he's having a lot of fun right now. Karam laughs again and says that's cute. Jaewon's surprised and doesn't know what he should do. Karam hands Jaewon a present and tells him to open it. It's a white hat and Jaewon decides to wear it. Karam tells him it's better not to because then he won't be able to see Jaewon's face. The whole time they are together, Jaewon and Karam are both blushing. Scene changes, and Jaewon is happily walking home at night with his presents. He sees a convenience store and remembers Yoonsung sent him a text wishing a happy birthday with the image of a cake. He buys a cake for Jaehee? He sees Junseo waiting for him as he's walking back. Junseo asks why he's out so late and then hands him a present. Jaewon's hands are full so Junseo takes it out and puts it on Jaewon's head. It's a black hat. Junseo says it looks good on him. Jaewon's surprised by that and Junseo tells him to look at himself with it on later. Junseo says later and walks off and Jaewon wonders if he just waited this whole time to just give him that hat.

Kiterunner95 March 15, 2018 4:38 am

Only chapters 57-60 don't have summaries anywhere so if enough people want them, I'll provide a summary below, tho I don't know Korean so it'll be a very general summary. I could even screenshot the chapters and link them here~

    Anonymous February 27, 2018 1:45 pm

    Thank you if you will do it!! that is very nice of you :)

    Matenshi February 27, 2018 4:05 pm

    Yeyy. I hope you will do the summary
    Thank you <3

    yuu February 27, 2018 9:12 pm

    I would love to read that summary and thank you in advance

    Kiterunner95 February 28, 2018 7:24 am

    Chapter 57 Summary
    Karam hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jaewon wonders what does the hug mean in context of wishing him a happy birthday. Karam asks how has he been. Jaewon sees Karam's face and looks away blushing. Karam laughs and says he just wants to talk to Jaewon. Jaewon points at his face and says he's having a lot of fun right now. Karam laughs again and says that's cute. Jaewon's surprised and doesn't know what he should do. Karam hands Jaewon a present and tells him to open it. It's a white hat and Jaewon decides to wear it. Karam tells him it's better not to because then he won't be able to see Jaewon's face. The whole time they are together, Jaewon and Karam are both blushing. Scene changes, and Jaewon is happily walking home at night with his presents. He sees a convenience store and remembers Yoonsung sent him a text wishing a happy birthday with the image of a cake. He buys a cake for Jaehee? He sees Junseo waiting for him as he's walking back. Junseo asks why he's out so late and then hands him a present. Jaewon's hands are full so Junseo takes it out and puts it on Jaewon's head. It's a black hat. Junseo says it looks good on him. Jaewon's surprised by that and Junseo tells him to look at himself with it on later. Junseo says later and walks off and Jaewon wonders if he just waited this whole time to just give him that hat.

    Anonymous February 28, 2018 7:34 am
    Chapter 57 SummaryKaram hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jae... Kiterunner95

    Thank you!!! Mmmm so right now the one for Jaewon is Karam since he still likes him very much and maybe now that Karam likes him back they will get together

    JUNIPER-Snap February 28, 2018 7:38 am
    Chapter 57 SummaryKaram hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jae... Kiterunner95

    Karem ship sailll(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kiterunner95 February 28, 2018 8:30 am

    Chapter 58 Summary
    Summer vacation ends, Jaewon is waiting at the bus stop. He went to bed late and missed the earlier bus. He remembers he confessed to Karam. He yawns. The bus arrives and he gets on, its really crowded. Yoonsung sees him from the back and beckons Jaewon to come over. Jaewon trips and Yoonsung grabs his hand telling him to be careful. Jaewon pulls his hand back and says thank you. Yoonsung says something? Jaewon wonders why its always like this and thinks himself an idiot. They walk into class together. Jaehee appears and he's really tanned. Jaewon is surprised since he wasn't like that only 2 days ago. Jaehee tells him he spent the last two days at the beach. Hana and Karam enter the classroom. Hana tells everyone to take their seats. Karam sees Jaewon and they say hi to each other. Jaewon says he can see Karam everyday now while looking down and blushing. Karam says that's good while looking away blushing. The teacher tells everyone to quiet down and says they will be changing seats. Jaewon is shocked since things are going so well between him and Karam now. He thinks it's unfair while laying down on his desk. He sees Karam doing the same. Karam says to Jaewon that he doesn't want to change seats. Jaewon flushes red when he hears that and says he doesn't want to either. They look at each other like this while lying on their desks and Jaewon hopes that time has stopped. Yoonsung looks at them with a bit of a frustrated? impatient? miffed?
    expression. He wonders if they have kissed yet? and thinks that would be foul play? idk. Jaehee sees them and asks Yoonsung why they are facing each other. Yoonsung tells him its a staring contest.

    Anonymous February 28, 2018 8:39 am
    Chapter 57 SummaryKaram hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jae... Kiterunner95

    Thank you so much for your summary!

    Anonymous February 28, 2018 9:24 am
    Chapter 58 SummarySummer vacation ends, Jaewon is waiting at the bus stop. He went to bed late and missed the earlier bus. He remembers he confessed to Karam. He yawns. The bus arrives and he gets on, its reall... Kiterunner95

    Thanks :) i am kinda sad that it will be Karam and not Junseo, even though i enjoy all the characters and interactions my favorite one for the MC is Junseo but at this point i think he will be friendzoned <3

    Kiterunner95 February 28, 2018 9:33 am

    Chapter 59 Summary
    Jaewon has his hands clasped together and is in deep thought about where Karam's new seat might be. He hopes that it won't be to far away from his. Unfortunately Karam is seated across at the other end of the room. Sitting next to Jaewon now is Yoonsung. Yoonsung smiles says he's glad to be sitting next to him this time. Hana says something to the class, idk what. Jaewon keeps sneaking glances at Karam. Yoonsung says his name, Jaewon is supposed to be working with him on an assignment. Yoonsung shows him his work since Jaewon didn't do his. Jaewon says thanks. He asks Yoonsung how much they need to write. Yoonsung stares at Jaewon's hands and comments on his skin? then touches Jaewon's arm. Jaewon flinches and pulls his arms away and asks Yoonsung what he means by that. Yoonsung says he's overreacting? Jaewon tells Yoonsung he's must be still teasing him. Yoonsung says he's not kidding. Jaewon says whatever and not to touch him like that again. Yoonsung plays innocent and asks Jaewon what last time? Jaewon whispers something to Yoonsung? and Yoonsung asks if he want him to do it again? to which Jaewon flushes red in response. Jaewon protests and says that's not it. Hana catches them not working and says she'll give the both of them a warning. Jaewon says tells Yoonsung that he'll get angry if he does that again. Yoonsung cheerfully asks Jaewon how he's gonna get angry. Karam stares at the two of them from across the room during their exchange. Yoonsung notices Karam staring and smiles at him. Karam looks away and clenches his pen and unintentionally draws a scribble line on his assignment in frustration? Junseo receives a text from Jaewon saying he's depressed at having to change seats away from Karam. Junseo replies good and Jaewon says what? Junseo says he'll tell him later since he's in class.

    Oya? Oya Oya~ March 3, 2018 10:59 pm
    Chapter 59 SummaryJaewon has his hands clasped together and is in deep thought about where Karam's new seat might be. He hopes that it won't be to far away from his. Unfortunately Karam is seated across at the ... Kiterunner95

    How is it GOOD

    HOLDUP March 3, 2018 11:51 pm

    who's jaehee?

    Yuri유리 March 4, 2018 4:04 am
    who's jaehee? HOLDUP

    Jaewon’s close friend. The orange hair guy who used to be in the same school with junseo. The one that make junseo in trouble.

    Kiterunner95 March 4, 2018 5:53 am
    How is it GOOD Oya? Oya Oya~

    not really sure if I understood what Junseo was saying here since I used google translate, but it could be because he's feeling jealous of Karam now?

    Kiterunner95 March 4, 2018 5:56 am

    I'm planning on updating this thread with new chapter summaries as they come out if, I'll also post it as a new topic as well.

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 10:08 pm
    Thanks :) i am kinda sad that it will be Karam and not Junseo, even though i enjoy all the characters and interactions my favorite one for the MC is Junseo but at this point i think he will be friendzoned <3 @Anonymous

    We don't know that yet, I believe more and more that the MC will end up with Junseo.

    Paoale March 8, 2018 3:31 am

    Jaewon x Karam forever!!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛
    Thanks for the spoilers <3

    Kiterunner95 March 8, 2018 8:11 am
    Jaewon x Karam forever!!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛Thanks for the spoilers <3 @Paoale

    you're welcome. I really love these two together. (≧∀≦)

    notyouraveragegirl March 9, 2018 9:10 am
    Chapter 59 SummaryJaewon has his hands clasped together and is in deep thought about where Karam's new seat might be. He hopes that it won't be to far away from his. Unfortunately Karam is seated across at the ... Kiterunner95

    TY for the summaries! Seems JW doesn't buy that YS likes him and is messing with him? Ugh, we finally made progress with JW/JS even though I do like Karam too. lol I just think all of them have chemistry especially the love rivals. lol

    Oya? Oya Oya~ March 10, 2018 6:54 pm
    you're welcome. I really love these two together. (≧∀≦) Kiterunner95


    Paoale March 12, 2018 5:52 pm
    you're welcome. I really love these two together. (≧∀≦) Kiterunner95

    Oh, really? That's great!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Kiterunner95 March 15, 2018 4:38 am

    Chapter 60 Summary
    Junseo's classmate calls out to him saying someone has come to see him. Jaewon cheerfully waves hello. Junseo thinks its been a while since they wore their spring uniforms? Jaewon says something about their spring uniforms and their school being cold? He then asks Junseo if he could borrow his history textbook. Junseo gets a bit irritated/angry since Jaewon is always borrowing his textbooks and asks Jaewon if he thinks of him as a bookstore? Jaewon asks why Junseo is angry since he's gonna lend him the textbook anyways. Junseo gives Jaewon the textbook and then tells him he also needs to return the gym clothes he borrowed from him. Jaewon leaves and Junseo leans against the door frame and thinks what the hell? The scene changes, Jaewon is sitting on his desk playing a game on his Nintendo DS. Yoonsung calls his name, puts his hand around Jaewon's shoulder and asks what game he is playing. Jaewon doesn't look too pleased and tells Yoonsung he told him before not to touch him like that. Yoonsung says he wants to do it and asks Jaewon why not? He then starts tickling Jaewon's shoulders. Jaewon starts laughing in response and Yoonsung says this reaction out of him is fun. Jaehee sees them and asks what they are doing. Yoonsung replies he's tickling Jaewon. Jaewon asks if Yoonsung could stop. Jaehee cheerfully responds that he'll do it too. Jaewon asks what, then Jaehee lifts Jaewon's leg and starts tickling his foot. Jaewon starts laughing again and Jaehee comments on Jaewon having a good day? Yoonsung replies that Jaewon has a lot of weaknesses. Jaewon asks Jaehee to stop in between his fits of laughter. Karam calls out to Jaehee and tells him the teacher is calling him to the office? Jaehee replies that Karam doesn't feel good about his classmates? idk. Jaewon feels embarrassed about having Karam see him like this. Jaehee walks off and says oh it's just him. Jaewon takes Yoonsung's hands off his shoulders while Karam regards him with a slightly irritated expression? He tells Jaewon that he's being too noisy nowadays and leaves. Jaewon is shocked while Yoonsung thinks this is an interesting reaction from Karam. Karam slides the classroom door close behind him, he looks downcast? Hana cheerfully approaches Karam and asks him what's wrong since his face is red. Karam puts his hand to his face and says he must be going crazy since he's feeling jealous. The scene changes, Jaewon has a serious expression on his face. He's thinking no way will he let things continue like this? Yoonsung calls out to him and says they should go home together. Jaewon shouts that he won't go home together with him and runs away. Jaewon thinks its a success that he evaded Yoonsung's advances and then he sees Junseo walking down the hallway. He intentionally rams into Junseo's back to get his attention. Junseo spins around with a pissed expression while Jaewon cheerfully says they should go home together. Jaewon is thinking he wants to keep things with Junseo as they are. Junseo is walking ahead of Jaewon while Jaewon is talking to him about Karam? Junseo tells him he isn't listening since he doesn't like hearing Jaewon talking with him about Karam. Jaewon tries to awkwardly change the subject and asks since he didn't return Junseo's gym clothes yet if he's angry at him? Junseo says what with a slightly pissed expression? Jaewon looks a bit flustered/panicked and says he'll return it to him now at his house while dragging Junseo with him by his arm. They arrive at Jaewon's house. Jaewon's mom smiles and asks Jaewon if he brought a friend home with him. Junseo politely says hello. They both head on up to Jaewon's room. Jaewon asks Junseo if they want to play any of the games he has. Jaewon tells Junseo to sit down and that he washed the gym clothes yesterday but it still hasn't dried yet. Jaewon asks if he's hungry and that he'll go down to get some food with a slightly nervous expression? Junseo gets up, just as Jaewon is about to open the door to head out, Junseo pulls a kabedon to stop him from leaving. Jaewon looks a bit shocked? surprised? While Junseo leans and says something. idk what he says.

    Kiterunner95 March 15, 2018 7:18 am

    Chapter 60 screenshots here:

    notyouraveragegirl March 18, 2018 6:21 am
    Chapter 60 SummaryJunseo's classmate calls out to him saying someone has come to see him. Jaewon cheerfully waves hello. Junseo thinks its been a while since they wore their spring uniforms? Jaewon says somethi... Kiterunner95

    I've just started to self-learn Hangul, but it seems he says where are you going to him. Gosh, make a move Junseo!! He is unable to control himself now. lol I just want him to be Jaewon's first kiss because he was there for him when he was struggling with everything in the first place. Still, I believe it will continue to be a harem type situation.

    bimblefrog March 19, 2018 7:59 pm
    Chapter 60 SummaryJunseo's classmate calls out to him saying someone has come to see him. Jaewon cheerfully waves hello. Junseo thinks its been a while since they wore their spring uniforms? Jaewon says somethi... Kiterunner95

    thank you for sharing these summaries!!! xoxoxoxo

    Kiterunner95 March 19, 2018 11:58 pm
Kiterunner95 February 26, 2018 4:50 am

Has anyone read the latest chapters on Foxtoon? and if anyone has, could they give a summary of what happens? I scoured the web and couldn't find a single chapter summary. What happens with Jaewon and Karam?

    kuos_kinomoto February 26, 2018 3:00 am


    Jaewon confessed to Karam but Karam turned him down. (I surfed through the spanish raws and a particular scene caught my eye so i used google translate; google translate is awesome with spanish by the way)

    Ale February 26, 2018 3:32 am
    SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... kuos_kinomoto

    Do you have the Spanish link by any chance or could you tell me the name o f the website plz?

    Ale February 26, 2018 3:32 am
    SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... kuos_kinomoto

    Do you have the Spanish link by any chance or could you tell me the name o f the website plz?(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Cat_love13 February 26, 2018 3:39 am
    SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... kuos_kinomoto

    Dang this breaks my heart!!

    Lulztan February 26, 2018 3:44 am
    Do you have the Spanish link by any chance or could you tell me the name o f the website plz?(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Ale

    Ale February 26, 2018 3:54 am Lulztan

    Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! ( ̄▽ ̄)

    kuos_kinomoto February 26, 2018 3:56 am

    Lulztan posted the link, go to chap 44 (if you are interested in that spoiler :P) btw i realized after posting this that the question asked for chap 57 & 58 summary and i haven't read past chap 49 (≧∀≦) so who knows what happened later with Jaewon & Karam

    kuos_kinomoto February 26, 2018 3:58 am
    Lulztan posted the link, go to chap 44 (if you are interested in that spoiler :P) btw i realized after posting this that the question asked for chap 57 & 58 summary and i haven't read past chap 49 (≧∀�... kuos_kinomoto

    chap 40 has a nice fangirling moment (for a diff ship) (=・ω・=) so make sure you don't miss it

    Hisui February 26, 2018 8:32 am
    SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... kuos_kinomoto

    Why did he turn him down tho poor bb :((((

Kiterunner95 February 26, 2018 1:00 am

The spanish translations for this manhwa are further ahead of the english translations.

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